Starting over

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Hey. Sorry it's been a few days since I updated. I have zero ideas so let's see where this goes.

"Where the hell have you two been?!" Jo yelled, crossing her arms over her chest like a disappointed mother.

"Uh.. well.. somewhere?" Cas said, shrinking back and shrugging a little. It's been a week since Dean and Cas have gone to school because of the whole.. incident and neither one of them having the energy to got to school.

Jo narrowed her eyes "Somewhere? That's the best you can do?" She took a step towards them and looking up at Dean "what about you huh? What's your excuse?"

Dean took a small step back, Jo might be small but she was intimidating.
"..somewhere..?" He shrugged. Him, cas, and Gabe all decided not to tell anyone anything that happened the past week but they never actually came up with an excuse. Cause they were stupid and thought no one would ask.

"Ugh! You guys are useless." Jo huffed, closing her locker and starting to walk towards class.

Cas sighed and followed. Him, dean, and Jo all had the same first period.

This'll be fun.

"Please please please please please cas!" Jo begged, tugging on his arm "why won't you tell me?" She whined.

Cas sighed and looked at her "no, Jo, it's personal family crap."

Jo groaned and fell against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and putting all her weight on him.
Cas sighed and grabbed jo's arms, taking them off his neck and putting then at her side.

"Jo. Stop. Please, I really don't want to talk about it." Cas pleaded, his shoulders drooping.

Jo sighed and nodded "okay... Fine" she crossed her arms and sighed dramatically.

Jo had been bugging him and Dean about what happened the whole day. She was getting desperate and ended up following him and Dean out of the school and towards Dean's car.

"I'll just see you guys tomorrow than" Jo huffed and walked off towards her own car.

"You should tell her." Dean's said, turning the radio down and glancing at cas before looking back at the road.

Cas frowned "What? Why?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Because she's obviously worried and kinda deserves to know." Dean said, frowning a little.

"I dunno.. maybe I will.. I just don't know if I can really talk about it." Cas shrugged, his voice soft and timid.

Dean reached over, patting cas' knee before putting his hand back on the steering wheel and pulling into the driveway. "I'll be there to help you" he said, turning the car off.

Cas nodded a little "thanks" he said quietly before getting out of the car, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

They went inside and went up to their separate rooms, not seeing each other till that night when cas crawled into deans bed and cuddled up to him.

This is totally just a short filler chapter. Sorry. I do have ideas for the next chapter tho.

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