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"cas..?" Dean asked cautiously, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He didn't know what happened. He was asking him quiestions and all the sudden cas was crying and shouting at him to shut up.

Cas kept his face buried in his hands as he sobbed, the words quieter now but still there.

All your fault.

Cas knew it was his fault. I wished he could go back and stop himself from being born so that his mom would live and be happy. But he couldn't. And now he had to live with the guilt.

All your fault Castiel.

"I know.. please.. I already know.."

Dean frowned, touching cas' shoulder "cas what are you talking about..?" He asked softly, concern lacing his voice.

"All my fault... I know it's all my fault.. please stop it.. I already know.."
Cas muttered, shaking his head.

"What's your fault?"

"mom... I'm sorry I'm so sorry please.. it's my fault.. I'm sorry.."

"Cas what happened to your mother is not your fault. Your parents made the choice to have another kid and things went wrong. No one could have stopped it." Dean said, but cas wasn't listening. He kept muttering apologies over and over again, rocking back and forth as he cried.

Dean sighed and wrapped his arms around cas, hoping to calm him down a little. "Cas it's okay. I'm sure your mom doesn't blame you. I'm sure she was glad you could've been born. It's okay." He said soothingly, his voice soft and smooth.

Cas shook his head "no no no. It's not okay. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." he sobbed, burying his face back in his hands.


Cas shook his head "please.. please I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry... I can't.. please.."

"Cas it wasn't your fault. You need to stop blaming yourself.."

"It's my fault.. it's all my fault.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry... They'll never forgive me.." cas cried, his breaths coming out in short, uneven puffs, making him lightheaded.

"Cas please.. you need to calm down." Dean sighed, his voice barely above a whisper as he started to give up on calming cas down. He'd have to wait it out.


"S'all my fault.." his words slurred together as he swayed slightly in his spot, his vision getting fuzzy and dark around the edges.


Cas passed out. Falling onto his side, almost landing on Dean.

Dean jumped back so cas wouldn't land on him, feeling panic rise in his chest "cas?" No answer "Castiel?" Silence. "Damnit cas.." he sighed, getting off the bed and moving cas so he was laying on his back, his head on the pillow.

"Now that you're passed out, you can't stop me from checking your injuries" he muttered, sitting the younger boy up and taking off his hoodie and shirt.

Oh God.

His torso was covered in bruises, sickly yellow and purple bruises along with small cuts in various places.

And his arms...

He had cuts, deep cuts, going from his wrist to his elbow on both arms.

"Oh my God.. no wonder you didn't want me to see.." he felt like was going to be sick. He quickly went to the bathroom, grabbed the firstaid kit, ran back, and sat next to cas. He sighed softly and started wrapping his arms and cleaning the small cuts on his torso.

When he finished he covered cas in a blanket and waited.

Sorry it's kinda short. Hope you enjoyed it!

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