Brothers pt. 2

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"Carry on my wayward sooooon!"

"There'll be peace when you are dooone!"

"Lay your weary head to reeeest!"

"Don't you cry no more!"

Gabe blasts music as we drive to the nearest diner, the windows rolled down and him singing the lyrics as loud and as off pitch as he possibly can.



"just turn it down I lit-" "I WAS SOARING EVER HIGHER!"

"Gabe plea-" "BUT I FLEW TOO HIGH!"

I sigh and give up, slumping back in my seat and listening to him scream the words.

After another two minutes of him screaming a loud as humanly possible, the song ends and we pull into the diner parking lot, parking near the front.

"I think my eardrums are busted." I mutter as we get out if the car.

"Oh please. You love my singing." Gabe scoffed, giving me a shit eating grin.

"Yeah but that wasn't singing. That was screaming."

"It was beautiful that's what it was."

"Yeah okay. Whatever makes you feel better."

"Cake would make me feel better."

I roll my eyes "I'm not buying you cake."

Gabe pouts "Oh come one Cassie. Please?"

"Nope. You don't deserve cake."

"An why not?"

We walk inside and over to a booth near the back. "Because you got us kicked out of Lazer tag. Again."

"That totally wasn't my fault!"

We sit across from each other and I give him a bitch face that could rival Sam's. "Then whose fault was it?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"It was that little girl! She cheated!"

"Oh my God I am not getting into this again"

"But cas-!" "Nope."

"Oh come on let me jus-" "nope!"

Gabe sighed dramatically and slumped in his seat

We ordered, him getting a bacon cheeseburger and me just getting fries. He narrowed his eyes a little and waited for the waitress to leave before asking "how much have you been eating?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Enough" was all I said.

He sighed and opened his mouth to say something but before he could his phone rang. He closed his mouth and dug his phone out of his pocket "I gotta take this. I'll be right back" he said, giving me an apologetic look before getting up and walking out of the diner, answering the phone.

I sit there for almost fifteen minutes. Our food arrived and was starting to get cold.


I jump and look out the window, seeing someone run past, tucking a gun into his waistband.


I'm out of my seat and out the doors before anyone else, running as fast as my legs can carry me until I've reach the alley between the diner and the building next door.

I drop to my knees, my hands immediately putting pressure on the wound.

He was shot in the chest. I know he's not going to make it but I won't let myself think about that.

"You're going to be fine." I tell him, tears filling my eyes. I hear someone calling an ambulance behind me.

"C-cassie.." Gabe chokes on his words and the blood filling his mouth.

"Don't talk. Yours going to be fine." I tell him, applying more pressure to the wound.

He shakes his head, blood dripping down his chin and cheek.

"..I'm sorry.."

"No! No no please! You can't leave me I need you! I can't do this without you!"
I hold onto him, feeling him weakly grab onto my shirt.

His eyes flutter and fall closed.

"Hey! Stay with me, please! Open your eyes damnit! They're almost here, just a little longer!" I'm crying as I lift my head and listen as the sirens get closer. "Just a little longer.. please.."

My heart falls and I feel it shatter in my stomach.

He's not going to make it.

I feel my self go numb, everything passes in a blur

I'm pulled away while they lift him into the ambulance and told to follow in my car. I run over to the car and follow them to the hospital.

I don't remember arriving at the hospital. I don't remember getting out of the car or following them inside.

Now I'm standing outside of the room. Staring into the window. Watching them try and keep my brother alive.

I stare through the window while the doctor's and nurses worked on him, trying to stabilize him. The heart monitor beeping quick and unsteady next to him.

Thirty seconds later, he flat lined

I feel my whole body tense up, waiting for the steady beeping of the monitor.

It never comes.

"I'm calling it.." I heard the doctor say
"Time of death, 9:47pm"

I run in the room, tears blurring my vision. They hold me back but I push through and wrap my arms tightly around the body, sobbing into the chest that will never rise and fall with air again.


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