Too perfect

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You guys don't understand how much I love your comments. They motavate me to continue writing this and I love hearing what you think! So keep them coming!

It had been a week and everything was going great for Castiel. He and Jo had gotten pretty close, him and Dean were hanging out alot. He met Deans brother Sam and they hit it off pretty quick. Of course, Cas still had really bad anxiety and didn't talk much to his friends but he talked enough, he still had depressing thoughts and heard his father's voice telling him how pathetic he was but it had gotten better. He heard the voice less, he was happier, and didn't shake Everytime he talk to anyone. It almost seemed too perfect..

"Cassie!" Gabe cried, running into his room "Cassie I'm bored!" He yelled, flopping face first on Castiels bed.

Cas rolled his eyes and pushed Gabe off his bed "go watch TV or something." He muttered, setting his phone down. He was texting dean about hanging out tomorrow.

Cas yelped as he hit the floor "but caaaaaass! That's borrring!" He whined, flailing his arms and sitting up "we should go somewhere. Get out of the house and do something."

Cas sighed "okay, where do you wanna go?"

Gabe gasped "are you actually gonna go somewhere with me? For real?"

Cas nodded "yeah, I don't have anything better to do so why not?"

Gabe jumped up and grabbed Cas' face "who are you and what have you done to my brother?"

Cas pushed him off "get off or I'll just stay home and sleep." He warned.

Gabe immediately retracted his hands "okay okay. So, wanna go to the mall? I heard the have a new book store there and I thought you might want to check it out."

Cas nodded and stood up "okay, let me get dressed."

Gabe grinned and ran out of cas' room. It was around noon and honestly Gabe was normally out with his friends on Saturday but they all were too busy so cas was left to entertain Gabe for the day.

Cas sighed and got changed into a dark hoodie and some worn skinny jeans with a beanie to cover his messy hair. Once he was dressed he went down to the kitchen to get something to eat before he left but soon regretted this decision when he saw his father in the kitchen with a glass of water. He slowly backed out of the kitchen, hoping he wasn't seen.

"Castiel. I need to have a word with you" his father said calmly.

Cas froze and slowly looked up at his dad. "W-what about father..?" He asked quietly.

"Your grade are slipping Castiel. You need to get them back up or I'll have to punish you again." His father said firmly.

Cas nodded quickly "y-yes sir. I'll get them up." He said before retreating upstairs.

Gabe stopped him halfway up the stairs "where you going? We gotta go before it gets too crowded."

Cas nodded and let Gabe pull him back downstairs, completely avoiding the kitchen and hurrying out the front door.

They spent most of the time at the mall in the bookstore or in some type of candy shop, they were there for almost three hours and they bought a ton of books and enough candy to last a lifetime.

They were on there way back down to the main floor to get back to the car, talking and joking happily when cas suddenly went quiet and walked a little faster.
Gabe frowned and grabbed cas' arm "what's the rush?" He asked.

Before cas could answer a group of guys, around cas' age, walked over.
"Awe guys look! It's the fag!"

Cas looked down and pulled his arm from Gabe's grasp, hurrying towards the exit. He heard laughing behind him and Gabe running after him.

Everything was too perfect. He knew it was too perfect. Now his dad was gonna punish him and these kids weren't gonna leave him alone anymore.. it was too perfect and now it was ruined.


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