Coming To Terms

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It's spooky months guys! Figured I should probably update this week.

Dean took me home about a week later, making sure I was comfortable and had everything I wanted. Which I did. Dean was all I wanted, I don't need anything else. I think he figured that out too since I've been very overly affectionate this past week. I haven't left his side for longer than I had too, lots of kisses were exchanged and shy touches. Nothing too far though.

"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Dean asked, running his fingers through my hair. I was curled against his side in bed, my head on his chest. I could feel the vibrations in his chest whenever he talked.

"This is perfect." I said, letting out a happy sigh and closing my eyes. "Just perfect.." i wrap my arms around him and press myself closer against his side, feeling Dean wrap both his arms around me and pull me closer.

I wasn't scared anymore. I didn't feel the need to hurt myself hardly as much, it was still there, obviously. I feel like maybe I was gonna be okay. Maybe I could handle whatever life threw at me. I had Dean so I was gonna be just fine as long as I had him.

Of course, I still missed Gabe, I was still going to have days where I wouldn't want to do anything or just curl up and never leave that spot. That was a given. But i was going to be okay. I would be able to be happy like everyone else was. I am going to be okay.

"Just perfect.." Dean repeated, placing a kiss on my head just before I drifted and fell asleep.

Okay y'all. I know it's super short but this is it. This is the last chapter before the epilogue. Have a good spooky month, love all y'all.

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