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i woke up because katya was talking on the phone. i didn't move and just faced the other way breathing steadily, trying not to snoop but totally snooping.
"i mean- of course. yes, i'll try but we have to be careful. i don't want people to know i do this! yes, even her, especially her. i'll bring them, that's fine. okay. okay, cool. yeah, see you." and she hung up.

i waited a minute and got up to stretch.
"morning, trix."
"hey, katya. how did you sleep?"
"i didn't."
"didn't you bring your meds?"

the conversation died. it kept doing that recently. there was something going on she wasn't telling me about. i was really worried about her.


what's going on? are you all right? tell me what you're hiding. i care about you. i love you.

"what time is it?"
"half seven."
"oh. cool."


i lie a lot. accidentally. little white lies and then a few big ones, nothing that would hurt anyone but me.

kim waddled to my car and i laughed a little. she passed me some cash for food and i smiled at her.

we drove to pick up bob, and then we went through the mcdonald's drive-through, ordering everything except actual breakfast food.
bob and kimchi had a box of 20 chicken nuggets each. i had nothing except a diet coke and a couple fries, only because kim forced me to.

"eat more. you need food. we worry about you all the time, naomi."
"i will, i promise."
i think i lied again.

"just drop me here." i said coldly to chad from lockwood.
"okay, babe."
i hated that. no one called me babe. not even alaska. i called her that.
he parked badly and we parted ways.
"love you, see you later."

i kept my head down and walked fast.
no spook.

i missed alaska.

"call me!" he called.
"i won't!"

and i walked through the school gates.

alaska sat quietly in english. and in maths. and science. she sat out at phys ed and my heart ached. she looked so sad. but she dumped me.

i pretended not to care but i really did and i don't think i succeeded, since i kept getting hit with dodgeballs so that i stopped zoning out. i ended up getting hit in the face and had to sit out- next to alaska.

"hi sharon." she said quietly.
"hey." i mumbled.

"i miss you." i said in my head.

it's hard to not think about you.

i don't know what to do without you.

come back to me, please.

"we need to talk." alaska sighed.
"yeah. we do."
"maybe after class."
"sounds good."

"i regret breaking up with you."
"i really care about you, sharon, and i don't want us to just be friends."
"i'm with chad now." i said bluntly.
shut up shut up shut up

"i know, but i really miss you."
"it's more complicated than that, lasky."
"yeah, but we can make it work right? we always do."
i sighed. "we can try."
"okay. i'll see you." she straightened her backpack.
"love you!" she yelled as she walked away.
"love you too."

how the fuck do i explain this to chad?

word count: 550
wowowowowowo gay but with different characters? what's wrong with naomi?? what's katya HIDINg???
stay tuned pals and make guesses in the comments!!!!

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