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i got up on saturday and played a card game with sam for a while.
"trix?" my mom called from the kitchen. i walked in. "could you take sam out for a bit? i need you kids out of the way so i can tidy before david comes home."
"okay." i smiled, and she thanked me. i told sam to get dressed and she excitedly grabbed random clothes and ran to get changed.
we left out the front door, which was a change, and walked the long way to the flats.
we held hands so she didn't run into the road or something, and eventually we got to the rich people apartments.
i buzzed in to apartment 22, and i was let in.
i knocked on their door and i heard the chain unlock, and i was almost devoured by katya's arms around me.
"it's cold, you should have a jacket." she scolded, seeing the goosebumps on my arms. shannon was at the dinner table doing homework, and sam spotted her from behind me.
"shan!" she yelled a little too loudly, and katya laughed. they ran towards each other just like katya and i, and embraced each other in a hug.

"reminds me of friends i know." katya winked.

we let the kids play in the lounge and we snook off to katya's bedroom. it was decorated in dark colours, black and red, with touches of white every now and then just to brighten things up.
her room lightly smelled of smoke, ash scattered at her windowsill where she tried to hide her addiction. her clothes were scattered on the floor, as with fun chinese fans, a rubber chicken and about three copies of the movie "contact".

on her desk was a decorative bottle of alcohol. we'd tried to drink it when we were 14, but i threw up and katya said she preferred beer. she cleared her huge bed and jumped on it. i sat gently next to her.

"you're beautiful." she said with a straight face, looking at me as the sun hit my skin from the window.
"what?" i laughed.

we talked about the cheerleading squad, and what happened to alaska. we danced to songs i'd never heard of and she read tarot cards. soon it was late and i didn't want to go home.

"katya, i gotta go."
"don't. please. stay." her eyes were wide and bluer than anything i'd ever seen. skies and oceans were grey in comparison.
"i- i need to get sam home." i sighed with a weak smile. she left the room but shortly returned.
"my mom is dropping her home. you're staying with me."

we lay parallel on top of the sheets, her tv showing a really shitty drama about teenagers and a murder case.
i wasn't really paying attention. all i could focus on was katya, and the way her chest rose and came down when she took a breath.

she looked at me. i looked at her.

"hey katya?"
"i think i know what everything means."
"what?" she laughed. and i kissed her for the third time.

word count: 522

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