interview » Shawn Mendes

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Hi Shawn, you got a second for a little interview?

Yeah, sure.. Go ahead

Since the beginning of the tour you have a temporarily new photographer, because Josiah is out for one year. Was that change a big thing for you?

Not at all! Alyssa Miller, the new photographer, is one of the most talented I have ever met. Sure I was happy with Josiah, but a change did me good and Ally really is one of the sweetest people in the world and the best friend I could have wished for.

So this is just friendship between you and the new photographer?

As sorry as I am, I have to disappoint everyone. Alyssa and I are just really good friends supporting each other. After this tour we will also go separate ways, because Alyssa has a really high potential to become a popular one and I want to keep up my career. However, we will still remain friends. 

So will there still be music in the future?

Definitely! I already write down my ideas a little and often talk to Ally about how she finds them. However, so far everything remains top-secret.

That Ally, a temporary photographer, knows so much about your plans makes me doubt you're just friends.

I don't like such statements and questions in front of cameras at all. As much as I love my fans, they don't need to know certain things directly. Music matters, not my private life. Thank you.

Shawn walks away and continues posing for a few photos 


author's note: 

This could be such a German interviewer.

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