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Last week Shawn Mendes posted a picture of himself and a woman. Shawn's happy laugh is hard to miss. The woman, Christy Brown, looks like she's stroking his face. Brown's profile shows the same photo, but there's a third person, so Shawn cut the third wheel out of the photo.

Some fans were again speculating on that. Comments like "too bad shawn loves older women" or "she's so beautiful" were written and posted. Brown won a lot of followers after Shawn's post who support or are less enthusiastic about the two.

Rumors were around. Brown finally put an end to this when she posted a picture with Shawn on which they clearly look like a couple. Dating rumors between Shawn and Alyssa or Shawn and Christy should be over.

Alyssa Miller, photographer of the superstar, gave no sign of life for a while. On the tour she was sighted much rarer than usual and there were no more posts from her on her social media. Does this have something to do with Shawn and his new girlfriend?

One thing is clear: Our news portal supports both with blood and soul. It doesn't matter who's dating Shawn, he's looking good with everyone in the spotlight by the end.

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