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I hurriedly left the house and the colder morning air from New York blew into my face. Since I was on tour with Shawn and was his photographer, I could finally afford to live here. The job was well paid, and I maintained good business contacts that put me on the right track after I left.

Once again I was much too late for work, which is why my steps are three times faster than my average steps. Only since a few weeks I worked as a photographer in a somewhat less popular magazine.

When I finally stood in front of the glass door of the building in which my workplace was hiding, I opened the door and entered. Although my shoes had no heels, you could hear my footsteps.

It was not far to the elevator, which my footsteps were not long to hear. The short ringing of the elevator and the jerking on it filled the room. The building was not a modern one as you are used to in New York. It's a little older, more out of town.

My fingers slipped over the button leading to the third floor. The magazine occupied the first three floors, except for the ground floor. When the elevator started moving, it jerked again and every time it felt like it was about to give up.

It stopped, the doors squeaked the last time and the familiar corridor and the orange painted wall came to the fore again.  After this stressful weekend I was not looking forward to seeing this place again. To be honest, I wasn't happy to be here on any day of the week. Every Monday means new stress, as the next issue is just around the corner. When I reached the room where Pauline and I worked, I entered with a smile on my face. Always be smiling, friendly and helpful at work.

Immediately I headed for my desk, muttered a "good morning" to Pauline and slipped out of my jacket. I could quickly see that some colourful notes adorned my desk surface.

Next issue:
September 21
[Special Celebrity Issue]

To my office
Greetings Ursula

After Ursula's note, I stopped reading. Every day I get called into her office because certain things don't work properly. Her unpopularity in the company prevented her from going to employees and criticizing her work, which became my job. It was probably less criticizing, more pointing things out.

Since I arrived here and got the job, I have cultivated many valuable relationships. I am also friends with many of my work colleagues in my private life, this became a habit after the tour. Another factor could also have been that the children of my colleagues know Shawn and some of them are fans. Understandably, they want to be friends with me to get a private concert of my ex-best friend.

"Do you know why Ursula wants to see me this time? If I have to talk to my colleagues about bad things again, I won't go until later," I asked Pauline, who looked across her computer screen.

Pauline looked like a typical photographer and image editor. A large square pair of glasses adorned her round face. Her brown hair was always tied in a firm ponytail and make-up was hardly an option for her.

"She just meant that you have a special job to do that only you can. She also said that you were already practiced in it, since you had done exactly this job for about 7 months," she replied and then looked back at her computer.

Confused I walked to the door while holding the note nervously in my hand. Of course I thought about the tour and the fear that I have to work with Shawn grew. It quickly occurred to me that it was unlikely, as it was a smaller magazine and not a famous one that was on sale all over America.  

The way to her office was not far, as it was only around the corner. Before I raised my hand to knock, I breathed in and out deeply again. That's exactly how I felt every time I was called into the office by the principal, but mostly for completely different reasons.

Ursula's grin came out when she opened the door for me. Consciously she did not open the door completely in order to conceal to me therefore still longer what I have to look for here. Male voices passed me and Ursula from the room, whereupon I wrinkled my forehead more and more.

"Good morning, Alyssa, you look fresh. I hope I'm not a burden to you in the morning but your very special job arrived today," her smile was more fake than the branded products sold on the beach in Italy.

"Good morning, Ursula. What did you call me into your office for? No offense, but I still have a lot of work to do for the next issue," I said with my most friendly tone.

"Apparently you're ready to take up your new job and challenge. When I open the door, you will understand quickly," she said and smiled.

Carefully she opened the door a bit more with her foot and Andrew appeared. Only a short time later the chair of the man could also be seen, whom I knew all too well or better said, whom I used to know well.

"Shawn," I whispered softly to myself so no one could hear.

Extra I moved away and left Canada. Shawn gave me too many memories of certain places when we were still walking the streets as friends and spending time in shops. I avoided him, built my own little career and now he sits in my boss's office.

And in that moment it felt as if the sky and the ground were colliding. 

author's note: 

That's a really long chapter but I still hope you like it. 
Should I do more chapters like this or not? COMMENT IT!

xoxo Lara

Tour Photographer - Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now