A New Friend?

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I slowly open my eyes and feel a weird fabric around our body. I look down and see a warm blanket draped over our neck. I smile slightly thinking this is a dream, but then I hear it... the sound of footsteps coming towards our drowsy body. I start to get up but feel slicing pain all over my body, and fall back down. The pain is just too strong for me to bare... alone.

"Wake up, John, please, i need you." I scream as loud as I can throughout my mind, but the sound echoes throughout our mind without a response. I shut my eyes to block out the pain going through my body.

"Are you feeling any better." A mysterious voice asks... the voice sounds genuinely worried, but I will not be fooled so easily... I am the smart one after all.

Then the thought hits me so fast that I don't even have time to process it before I throw my eyes open, not even caring about the pain that hits me with the simple movement... This could be the friend I have been asking for. "H-Hello..." I stammer.

The strange man said in a voice laced with mischief, " Are you feeling ok, you feel pretty hard."

I am a little taken back. It has been a very long time since someone has cared about us enough to even ask if we were ok, but I answer, " Well to be honest, we are pretty weak, and need to rest... but it means a lot to us that you asked." I add.

He looks at me in a confused way... "Us?"

I am so dumb. Why did I think that I could say that to someone. Us... really? Well, there goes my chance at finding a new friend. It made my dad leave, and it will do the same to everyone else. Why dear God would I say us?

As I am shaming myself in my head, I decide to just tell him... " What? Have you never seen a dragon with 2 seperate beings in one body before?" Wow Fluffy, way to just tell him... clap, clap, clap, maybe this is for the best. Maybe he will like us. Maybe he won't... Maybe...

"Sounds familiar." He says reluctantly.

"... Where? What were they like? Did they have all black scales like us? Did they have our light blue eyes? Did...?"

"I said it sounds familiar, not that I am positive... but I do have one question." He says in an annoyed yet curious voice.

"Can I meet your other half? I am Phonix by the way." He says while looking me over from my bat-like wings to my sharp scales that glinted in the sunlight.

"You can if you want to, but she is sleeping right now... and I am Fluffy, by the way. Her name is John."

"Isn't John a boys name?" He asks.

"JOHN IS GENDER NEUTRAL!!!!!!! You are soooooo lucky that she didn't hear that." I scream.

"Sorry. That was rude of me. I think you both have beautiful names." He says while backing up a step, while is hands are out in an apologetic manner. And then John wakes up.

Author's Note...

Do you like Phonix?

Do you have any predictions on if he will be a good guy, or a villain, or about his mysterious past?

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