A Dragon's Fear

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I felt our breath catch in my throat threatening to choke us, as I imagined the poison seeping through our body, attacking from the inside. I felt John just as fearful beside me.

"I can stop the poison from spreading further, but it will be painful. Do I have your permission to help you?" She says in a voice smooth as silk, but laced with a stern passion.

"W-we can handle it." I choke out,  not bothering to stop my shaking voice.

I can feel our boy shake with fear as we think about all the stories we have heard about dragons dying slowly, and painfully from the inside. Even as our pride is bellowing at us to control ourselves, all we can do is shake in fear. We are not on the best terms right now, but I wrap my soul around John's to comfort her. I know my other half better than anyone else, and I know when she  needs to feel love. She curls her soul around mine intertwining them like yen and yang.

Without a second of hesitation Willow grabs her bag, and walks over to us with feline-like steps.

"I need you to calm down. Try telling me about yourself." She says looking us in the eyes.

Even though she should be fearful looking into the eyes of a dragon; she holds no fear, only a solid determination. It causes us to involuntarily relax. I feel...safe? Not safe enough to reveal our past though. It might cause this witch to not want to help us.

As we remain silent, Willow starts her work. She grabs a muddy, brown substance from her bag, and rubs it around the arrow in our shoulder, but as it begins to touch the skin beneath our scales piercing pain soon follows. We growl in pain, and Phonix jumps, but Willow doesn't even flinch. She looks at Phonix silently telling him with her eyes to leave.

"I am going to look in the village for a map, so we know where to go next! I'll be back by tomorrow morning!" He cheered out as he strolled on, facing ahead but waving back at us.

I feel the tears stream down our eyes from the pain.

After a short while, Willow chimes up, "Well since you on't feel like talking, as an icebreaker, I shall!...So? Do you want to hear about a witches life?"

Author's Note...

What do you think Willows backstory will be like?

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