the day my life changed

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"Pierce," Anastacia balanced the phone between her shoulder and left cheek as she looked at the open pantry. "Get some canned goods, we're almost out of those."

"Okay. Need anything else?" Pierce, on the other side of the phone, mused to himself. He could imagine his Ana with the phone between her shoulder and cheek, her hands rummaging through the pantry. Very adorable.

"Hmmm, some veggies and bottled water. That's it, I guess. We still have a shit ton of meat that Hope bought last week."

"Sure thing, babe. See you later." Hearing his voice deepen, she shivered subconsciously anticipating something... something- she blushed not continuing her thoughts. Even though they've dated for 2 years now, she still can't be as bold as him in their relationship.

She hummed and hung up. After closing the pantry, she gave a glance at the window and saw the sky turning darker by the minute. She contemplated for a few seconds before deciding to prepare for dinner.

As she reached for the doors of the fridge, a hot searing pain ripped at her chest. Gasping for breath, her legs wobbled and she fell to the tiled floor. The pain started from the chest then started spreading out to her entire body.

"Fuck! What the hell is thi- AhhHHH!" She tried thinking for the reason why she was suddenly in this predicament but no answer came to mind. Another round of pain followed and she couldn't stop the scream that escaped her lips.

It hurts. It hurts. She screamed in agony. It was as if there was a fire burning her body and soul.

Without noticing, her cheeks were already stained with tears. It felt so hot and painful, she couldn't think straight. Sweat formed everywhere on her body. Lugging her aching body, she looked for relief in the form of a bathtub full of ice cold water.

She filled the bathtub with ice cold water. She climbed in, sighing in relief as the pain stopped and feeling her body cool down. She didn't care whether she was wearing clothes when she soaked herself to the bone. She needed this or else she'll go mad from the heat and the pain.

Her shaking hands dialled Pierce's number.

"Pick up, pick up. Pierce please, pick up." Her voice tinged with desperation.

Her phone kept ringing and ringing but he wasn't answering. She tried to grip the phone tightly but her trembling hands couldn't muster any strength and the phone fell into the water.

The once cold water, now turned boiling hot. The temporary relief that she found was no longer.

For a moment, she thought. What if she ended this pain quickly by taking her life? It was so easy escaping this pain, in a much less painful way too. She didn't want to experience this kind of pain where it felt like every cell in her body was being torn and burned ever so slowly.

But the thing is, nobody really wants to die. If anybody could, they would want to live. It's just the circumstances that left them with no choice. Truthfully, no matter how much anyone says they want to die, they'll still try to live. And that's what she did.

Forcing herself, she got up despite being soaked to the bones. She thought, and thought. Trying to grasp at any idea she could think of amidst the dizzying pain that assaulted her head.

Hospital. Yes, she needed to go to one now.

Thankfully, there was a hospital run by vampires a few blocks away from their apartment. Without caring for the way she looked, she moved as fast as she could. Her clothes were wet, with water and sweat.

It was mid-January, currently snowing, but she felt none of the cold as she took hurried steps towards the hospital.

The people loitering in the streets looked at the crazy woman wearing thin wet clothes. They wondered if she was trying to freeze herself to death.

Luckily, one of the bystander neared her, grasped her arm but recoiled when he felt his hand burn with pain. Seeing her look abnormally flushed and her eyes dazed, he shouted loudly. "Something's wrong with her!"

Anastacia, who felt someone tugging at her, struggled. "L-let go! I need to... go."

And then she crumpled to the ground.

"Please, he-help me. It hurts. Please."

Her mind could no longer focus on a single thought except for survival. She felt scared. She didn't want to die.

"Hospital... I don't want to die. Don't want... to..."

Then everything went black.

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