home is where love is

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Sarah stretched my whole body while groaning. "Home sweet home." Seeing the castle made her feel a sense of belonging. Truly, home is the best place to be.

"King, I'll take my brother to his room first. Then, I'll head out to the hospital. I've already been gone for so long." Dane said casually.

Kane nodded before instructing Khalua to give some potions to Dean to help him recover faster. "Dane, we also need to show our faces in the hospital so after you take him to his room, go to the living room. We'll wait for you there."

Dane murmured an agreement as he carried his unconscious brother over his shoulder. Khalua followed behind them to treat Dean as means of prevention for any possible complication.

Kane and Sarah walked hand-in-hand, each step matching the other. Their castle had been designed very simply. The design was so simple that the castle looked just like a big cube made of cobblestones. Simple and also very traditional. For some reason, the vampire royalty still used oak wood for the doors, tables, and other furniture.

After she was just turned into a vampire, she gaped seeing all these wooden things. After all, didn't the legends say that a vampire's weaknesses were garlic and a wooden stake?

But after she asked that question aloud, Dane actually just laughed at her. Dean and Khalua looked on with amused looks. They even went as far as questioning her IQ. She was very furious then and beat Dane until his mother couldn't recognize him.

"Brother, is there something wrong with her brain? IQ deficiency perhaps?" Dane whispered. Obviously everyone heard since they were all supernaturals.

Dean didn't comment but anyone could see that he was trying not to smile and laugh.

Her facial expression turned so dark. Is this how they treat their queen? IQ deficiency? Hmph!

Without even saying a word, she proceeded to drag Dane towards the training room. She locked the door so that only she and Dane were in the room. And afterwards? Only Dane's screams could be heard in the entire castle.

At a later date, they told me that pure-blood vampires are pseudo-immortals in that they have very long lifespans so long that it seemed as if they were immortals. But unlike immortals, vampires can get killed (and not by garlic, wooden stakes, or the sunlight). They would die if their head is severed from their bodies or they get burned.

Her head was full of memories of the past that she didn't realize that they had already arrived in the living room and she was already settled on the couch.

Seeing her perplexed look, Kane chuckled. "What? Were you so deep in your thoughts that you forgot where you are?"

"No," she smiled. "I just remembered the time I just got turned. Everything was so new, then."

"Making a trip down memory lane?" Kane arched his eyebrow. "You've been doing that quite often these last few days?"

"After seeing those werewolves, I felt a little nostalgic. Some scenes from the past suddenly started to resurface like those who've helped me in my journey, the new things that I've learned, and you... when I first saw you."

"Oh? What did you think of when you first saw me?" Kane asked playfully. He scooped her up from the couch and then placed her on his lap. His face neared her, and his hot breath was teasing her ears.

"Hmmm? Are you fishing for compliments, love?"

Kane opened his mouth to reply but stopped when Dane trotted toward them with an awkward smile.

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