II. Falling

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Jungkook's p.o.v.

"Well?" I asked, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Jungkook, you hovering over my shoulder isn't going to make me get the results any faster." Yoongi snapped as he dipped another one of those litmus papers into the drug sample.

As he brought it out, the previously white paper turned a shade of red.

"Interesting." Yoongi mused as he discarded the paper and switched to studying the sample through the microscope.

"What is?"

"The drugs are laced with tempering like ours." He explained as he fiddled with focusing of the lenses.

I pulled over a chair, turned it around and sat with my legs on either side, resting my hands on the back rest.

"So what? I already told you they were demons, it would be foolish of them not to temper with it and have humans hooked."

"That's not what I'm getting at. It's the type of tempering that is interesting.

The chemicals are very strong and too complicated to perfect to this degree even for third generation demons."

I thought about what that meant.

"So you're saying that the demons behind this are the higher ranking ones?"

Yoongi turned his chair around to face me.

"I'm saying the demons behind this are the highest ranking ones."

"How have we never heard of them before then?

Or even come across any disturbances?

Wouldn't you think demons that powerful would want to make their presence known?"

The mint haired demon pulled down his lab glasses and placed them on the table.

"I'll have to talk to Namjoon about this, he might know more.

But you're right, I don't think their sudden surfacing is just a coincidence. They want us to know that about them."

"Friend or foe?"

Yoongi chuckled. "I suppose you and blondie can go and find out."

I frowned at the idea.

"No way.

We have our own people here, if you want me to gather and head a group to them I will, but I don't want to do it with him."

"What? Don't tell me you've given up already." He teased with a lazy grin.

"That's not it." I assured brusquely. "It's just-" I broke off, thinking about it.

"He makes everything unnecessarily difficult.

I have to be aware of everything I do if I am with him, one slip and I might fuck this whole thing up.

And it doesn't help that he's suddenly hell bent on killing as many demons as he can.

What's to say he won't turn on me on a whim?

Namjoon won't even let me carry my weapon."

Yoongi shook his head.
"Namjoon is right.

How do you think you'll get the angel to trust you if you are carrying around a weapon that posses a threat to him?"

I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't trust me now either."

Yoongi patted my shoulder, getting up. "It takes time."

I watched him walk over to the other samples he had placed in a test tube holder. He studied them and typed down notes into his iPad.

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