XX. Moonlight

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Jungkook's p.o.v.

I had placed Taehyung on the ground of the barn, using my jacket as a makeshift pillow, letting him rest while his wounds healed themselves.

It was pouring outside, and trying to get us both back to the city in the weather would've been madness, especially with Taehyung still wounded and unconscious, so I thought it best to wait the it out until the angel awoke.

The moonlight filtered in through the small windows that were built around the large barn, creating alternating areas of light and dark.

I was sitting with my back against the wall of the barn in the patch that was dark, while Taehyung lay a few feet in front of me at the centre that was lit brightest by the rays of the celestial body.

I let out a sigh, glancing down at my hands that were partially covered with dark scales like armour, my fingers long than normal.

I chuckled at how hideous they were. I could only imagine how the rest of me looked. Like a nightmare.

"Finally the outside mirrors what's in." I murmured, hitting the back of my head against the wall in resignation.

listening to the sounds of the rain and thunder, I wondered what was happening to the world, how all of this would play out, how all of this would end.

I had never given thought to what the witch had said, about the card of death.

Was I going to die...or was Taehyung?

I shook my head, dispelling the idea. The mere thought of it being so repulsive.

I wouldn't ever let it happen.

And yet, I was so close to losing him today.

My eyes shifted to his frame, his chest rising and falling as he breathed and his fingers twitching every once in a while.

I wondered if he was dreaming, or if he was having a nightmare.

As soon as I had the thought, his eyes fluttered open.

He quickly shifted himself so that he sat up straight as he looked around to examine his surroundings.

"You're safe." I said, my voice loud and clear due to the acoustics of the wooden architecture, while I stayed hidden in the shadows. "You killed all of them."

He squinted, trying to make out where I was.

"You're wounded. But it's healing pretty quick." I informed him. "So you should be fine in another hour or so."

I noticed he grimaced in pain as I mentioned the wound, probably just realizing it.

"I see." He said, slowly spreading his white wings to asses the damage, before releasing a harsh breath and folding them back again.

"Where are the others?" He asked blindly, still unaware of my location.

"I'm sure they've already reached the city. I had asked Hoseok to get them back safely and tell your main angels about what happened."

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