XIV. Candles

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Jungkook's p.o.v.

As soon as I woke up I knew something was wrong.

The first thing that led me to the conclusion was that I actually had a good night's sleep and I wasn't tired, the second was that I wasn't in my room and the third - that there was definitely someone in bed with me and yet here I was, fully clothed.

And that never happens.

Panic momentarily fluttered through me with the thought that maybe I wasn't able to wake my buddy downstairs up last night. But quickly trashed that thought, knowing my body too well.

So instead I shifted slowly to figure out the possible explanation for this anomaly of what would have caused me to be in bed with someone and still be decent.

As I turned I found myself coming face-to-face with an angel. Quite literally.

And just like that, the feeling of offense flew out the window, the memory of what actually happened last night reviving itself.

A chuckle leaving my lips at the adorable sight of the blond hugging a pillow close, letting out soft breaths in his sleep.

He looked so peaceful, the tension from his forehead was smoothed out, he wasn't frowning and nor were the shadows under his eyes visible anymore.

Guess I wasn't the only one who slept well.

I gazed at the image before me for a few more seconds, then deciding to get up before he did.

I mean, yeah, he looked harmless now, but I wasn't going to take any chances and end up getting skewered first thing in the morning, especially after having good sleep in who knows how long.

I walked into the kitchen after freshening up, yawning the remainder of my sleep away.

"So what do I do for breakfast?" I asked myself looking at the rather empty kitchen.

I walked around, opening up the various cabinets finding some, thankfully not yet expired ramen packets.

"Ramen it is then." I decided, pulling out a utensil to get the water boiling.

As I cut open the packets I noticed something strange in the reflection of the water.

My irises had a glint of red in them and dark veins seemed to be growing around my eyes.

I shook my head and looked at the water again, everything was back to normal.

Okay, so why was my demon side showing all of a sudden?

"Jungkook?" Taehyung's voice called out.

I turned around to find the blond standing at the kitchen door, his eyes worried as his halo flickered haphazardly, on and off.

"Something's terribly wrong."


Jungkook huffed as he got back into the driver's seat, slamming the car's door shut.

He had just gotten back from meeting with Namjoon to check if he could get any information about what was going on, but instead of getting anything out of the gang leader he was being questioned about Taehyung.

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