III. Chessboard

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Jungkook's p.o.v.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as my pupils adjusted itself to the sunlight.

"Do you know what the bullets are made of?"

"No, I haven't seen anything of this sort before.."

"Is there someone who would know?.."

The voices were too loud, ringing in my ears.

I tried to shuffle away from them and go back to sleep.


I didn't bother to react.

All I wanted was to rest. I didn't know why I was feeling so tired.

"Jungkook," I heard him sigh. "I know you're awake, get up will you."

I grabbed the fluffy pillow I was laying on and used it to cover my face from the light and the voice.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled turning to my side and- Ow!

"What the fuck!"

I sat up to look at what it was that felt like a fucking gunshot to my side, until I realized it was a gunshot to my side.

"Why the hell is this hurting so bad?!" I demanded, looking at the bandaged area.

The bandage was wrapped around my lower abdomen and it looked and felt like golden silk or something which was freaking me out.

"You mind your language, young demon! And address us with some respect or I'll put that bullet right back inside you."

I looked at the broad-shouldered angel that was yelling at me, his face puffing up with anger.

"You see what kind of ungrateful creatures they are?!" He huffed, looking at Taehyung who was looking amused at the rage in the angel's face.

"I clean his wounds, take out the bullet, bandage the little nincompoop up and this- look! look at his smug face, I'll slap him right now!"

Taehyung laughed. "Calm down, Jin hyung. You'll hurt yourself."

So this was the infamous Seok Jin.

"Why? Why should I calm down, huh?! This demon is the cause of all of this nonsense!

We might as well get rid of him right now! Save ourselves the trouble of dealing with him later."

This archangel was starting to get on my nerves.

"Oh yeah? I dare you to try and kill me." I said, ready to take on the physically rather unimpressive archangel.

I would win in a hand to hand combat no problem, even wounded.

His face turned a shade of a deeper red.

"What did you say?!"

Taehyung held him back.

"Jin please, you're not going to get anywhere doing this.

He'll just keep saying stuff to push your buttons.

He's all bark and no bite."

I scoffed at the blond's statement.

"I'm right here. I can hear everything you're saying."

He ignored me. Nothing new.

"Let me deal with him. You go check on Hoseok."

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