XIII. Pure

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A/N: Jungkook's GCFs are art.


Jungkook's p.o.v.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I announced as I pushed open the front door, my voice echoing off the white walls.

An eerie silence followed, the resonance of the emptiness in the mansion almost amplifying as the seconds passed.

I caught sight of the angel beside me scanning the dark interiors with trepidation, eyebrows tensed with un-surety.

"It looks like no one lives here." He noted, confused.

I reached for the switch board, turning on the lights. "That's 'cause no one does." I shrugged off, motioning for the blond to enter.

"Get in, we don't need more of the night's air coming in." I said as I noticed how he buried his chin into his scarf.

He stepped inside slowly, his footsteps echoing against the marble floor.

I closed the door after him, locking it as well.

When I turned around I saw that he was eyeing the door like it was his only escape being shut out.

"You know you can open it from the inside simply by turning the knob, right?" I told him to ease his mind over the whole thing.

He jumped ever so slightly at the sound of my voice before regaining his composure.

"Yeah, of course."

I looked at him not quite convinced that he wasn't going to bolt out of the house the minute I turned my back to him.

"Right," I drawled, waiting for him to naruto-run out any second, but surprisingly he didn't.

"If no-one lives here then where do you stay?" He asked finally.

"No where in particular." I answered, running my finger on the wooden furniture and grimacing at the amount of dust that was on it.

"I guess you can say I've made one of the sofas at the gang's station my home."

"Oh.." The angel looked around the living room that was occupied with expensive, modern furniture. "But why?"

I shrugged. "The sofa and I have this emotional bond.

I had my first double-decker extra cheesy cheese pizza on it."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "You know that's not what I meant."

I ignored him, walking to turn on the lights in the kitchen. He followed me hesitantly.

"There isn't anything in the fridge as of now, but I'll get some groceries tomorrow.

In the mean time you can just order the food you want." I told him, checking the fridge.

"I'll pay you back for your expenses as soon as I get the means."

I turned around giving him an irritated look.

"That won't be necessary. We already made a deal."

He looked down at his feet. "So we did, how can I forget." He mumbled under his breath.

I exhaled, walking over to him.

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