VIII. Castle

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A/N: I had to write this chapter all over again because my draft got deleted :( that's why this chapter is a short one


Jungkook's p.o.v.

As soon as I looked around I knew I was in a dream.

After the endless nightmares, I began having ever since my mother died, I had become quite familiar with them, even though they were never the same.

At first, it was hard to tell if what I was experiencing was a dream or reality, since they were always so vivid, so life-like.

But soon enough you start to notice subtle differences, things that you could trust made it clear whether you were dreaming or not.

For starters, it was the way things looked.

It could either be hazy or too detailed.

When things appeared hazy it was usually because it was a dream that was born of a distant memory, one that was almost forgotten or suppressed.

However, when things were too detailed it meant that the dream was being created in the present; actively mapping out places, people, and scenarios for you to be trapped in.

These dreams when turned into nightmares were the most terrifying, because everything about it was new.

You didn't know what was going to happen or how it would end.

From what I could gather about the dream I was currently in was that it was the latter.

Everything was too detailed.

I was in the middle of a long hallway with a single source of light at the end of it.

It was too bright, almost blinding.

Turning back I saw that the hallway just seemed to continue to go on forever into a shadow of darkness until I couldn't see further anymore.

I turned back around to the front, looking at the bright light at the end skeptically.

"Does anything good come from walking towards a bright light?" I asked myself aloud, wondering if it would be a better option to walk into the never-ending hallway behind me instead.

Just as I was about to turn away from the light I heard a voice come from beyond it.

A voice I knew all too well.


I sighed, not knowing where this dream was going as I walked towards the light.

"Holy hell!" I grabbed onto the side of the doorway behind me that I had just passed before I could plummet down to the devil knew where.

I steadied myself and took a step back, looking in shock at how high up I was.

I could see clouds everywhere, decorated in the way that it almost looked like the floor of a castle.

"Where in the world-"

I heard Taehyung's voice again, a little further away.

"Taehyung?" I called out, still confused. My voice echoed everywhere, bouncing off the clouds like the voices of a choir.

"I'm sorry." I heard his voice say, sounding broken.

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