XVIII. Seraphic

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Jungkook's p.o.v.

I looked at the news on the television in front of me. A young news anchor who looked absolutely terrified, hiding behind a car was reporting what was happening.

"There seems to be large bat-winged creatures attacking people all over the city, we aren't sure what exactly they are, and our scientists are working on it. All we can say for now is-"

She got cut off as a demon landed on the car she was hiding behind. His eyes an evil-red with dark horns sprouts out his head and large, thick black wings spreading out around him.

"-is pray for your lives-" She yelled before getting picked up by the demon and being hurled away followed by the broadcast abruptly ending.

"Someone needs to control them."

Yoongi said as he entered the room, removing his green latex-gloves and disposing of them.

"They've completed their transformation. How can anyone control them?" I asked him.

He scoffed, cleaning his safety glasses and placing them back in its case.

"Just because they've unleashed their true forms doesn't mean they've turned into animals, Jungkook.

Sure, your powers are heightened and all over the place, but that doesn't change anything other than your form."

I raised an eyebrow. "You say that like it's so easy. If it were, this wouldn't be happening." I said, gesturing towards the television that was now showing an aerial view of demons causing havoc everywhere.

He shook his head with a smile. "This is happening because those demons are using their transformation as an excuse to release all their pent-up anger and frustration.

We have a war dawning and there are no archangels holding up the laws.

It's like a city without any authority or police force, it's the perfect time to let the ugly parts of society to crawl out."

I snorted. "You're make it sound like the city of Gotham."

The mint-haired shrugged.
"If the shoe fits.

Just out of curiosity, what's your boyfriend doing about all this?

Surely he doesn't take too kindly to demons running rampage over the place."

I pressed the bridge of my nose between my fingers in irritation, the mere thought of Taehyung making my skin crawl. "I don't know."

Yoongi let out a slow whistle. "What, trouble in paradise?"

"I'm trying to stay away."

"And why's that? Don't tell me he has a twin so you got confused and slept with his father."

I blinked. "The fuck-?"

"I have no idea either. I saw a meme about it floating on the Internet."

I stared at him, making sure he hadn't lost his mind, but he simply stared back, unbothered.

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