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Four Years Ago...

Ryder smiles, watching the brunette girl in front of him laugh at the joke he told, her blue eyes sparkling. Of course, he has to laugh too, her laugh was intoxicating. It was nearly impossible not to smile around her when she's in a good mood. They were in a room in the L.A. institute, Ryder's drawing stuff sprawled out over the table, a drawing of her nearly finished.

"Can I see it now?" She asks, trying to move into a position where she can see it, but he continues to block it from her view, still laughing.

"It's not done. It's just a sketch, doesn't have color or anything, Liv." He smiles at her. He's known the girl in front of him for years now, knew everything there ever could be to know. It's not that shocking to realize that most people think they were a couple, they were that close. It used to be such a problem when people would say that, but eventually, they had stopped correcting people. She told everybody that they would think what they'd want anyway, but the real story is far from the truth.

Neither of them would actively admit to being a couple, never truly say it out loud. Not because they don't want to, but because that means admitting defeat. They were everything a couple wants to be, do almost everything a couple would do, without the label, "I don't care, Ryder. I wanna see it!" She leans over kissing his cheek and giving him a pleading look.

"Fine." He moves his arms away from the picture, revealing the girl in a flowy dress, runes scattered down her arms as they are in real life and beautiful wings spread out behind her. She was looking down at the ocean, the moon high in the sky, hair, and dress seeming to blow in a nonexistent wind.

"Oh my god!" She gasps, voice and expression unreadable as she stares at the drawing.

"I know, it's not that good, I could probably just-"

"I love it! You're so good at this! You and I need to do stuff like this more often." She sets the drawing book down moving to hug the boy in front of her, who was beginning to stand up. He ends up falling back into the chair, pulling her down on top of him. They stare at each other for a moment before howling with laughter. When they begin to calm down, the girl smiles down at him, "Sorry."

Instead of replying, Ryder takes in their position, she was straddling him in the chair, her body positioned so she appears taller than him. He begins running his hands through her hair. In a burst of confidence, he leans forward capturing her lips in his own. When she doesn't respond, he decides he should pull back and pretend that never happened. Before he can pull back, she's tangling her hands in his hair and kissing back. When they finally pull away to breathe, Livia Blackthorn looks down at him, breathless with a big smile on her face, "Maybe we should."

Kirstin's P.O.V.- Five Months Ago...

"Okay, but I'm dead, Billy. I don't care about this shit anymore. Now can I get the whole R.I.P.ing thing?"I turn to look at her, only to find everything dark again. Finally peace and-

My eyes snap open to see Mason's face hovering over me, an instant look of relief washing over his face.

Jack's P.O.V.- Present Day

"Jack! Jackie! Jack Attack, where you at?" I tuck around the corner into the kitchen of the Bunker, holding my finger to my lips in a gesture of silence toward the people inside. He hears footsteps down the hall, Kirstin's voice calling my name as she looks around. Avery snorts at my finding place before calling Kirstin in here, using helping her as an excuse. She walks past me quickly, a large wrapped up box in her hands.

I sneak quietly behind her, grabbing her shoulders harshly and letting out an incoherent yell. She yelps spinning around and going to hit me, dropping the box in the process. I stop the box mid-fall without touching it, using my hands to grab her fist and pull her into a hug, "You are so lucky it's your birthday, J. Otherwise I'd beat the crap out of you." She backs up grabbing the box out of the air and handing it to me.

I raise an eyebrow, "I thought you don't do gifts?" I grab the box carefully, opening the wrapping hesitantly.

"I usually don't, but I saw this and had to get it. Plus, this is your second birthday with us and I felt bad that we missed your first one because of the stupid vampire hunt." I finally get the wrapping off to see an unmarked box the was buck-taped shut. I easily pull the duct tape off, sticking it to Kirstin's cheek and giving her a cheeky smile. I pull open the box to find a pair of lightsabers sitting there. I laugh, picking one up and setting the box on the table, grabbing the other and handing it to Kirstin carefully.

"This is awesome! Now I'm a real Jedi!" I swing the lightsaber around, careful not to hit anybody. Kirstin examines the other one, lightly hitting the one I was holding with it.

"I'm assuming those are the good guys. I've never watched Star Wars. I almost bought you a toy Yoda, planned on making a car pun too, but then I saw these and had to get them instead. You like them?"

"I love them! Thank you so much!" I set the lightsaber down, repeating the process with Kirstin's before pulling her into a hug.

"Happy Birthday." She expresses quietly, squeezing me slightly.

"You two are adorable." Wanda's voice is heard as we pull apart, turning to see her leaning against the doorway Kirstin had come in through. She was smiling, though her eyes revealed mixed emotions; happiness, amusement, sadness.

"I prefer being called terrifying, but I guess adorable works. Now, Jack, you need to leave. They're gonna attempt to make a cake, and you don't get to see it until it's done. Go see Mase or something. I have to get back to work. Have fun!" With that Kirstin exited the kitchen, turning in the opposite direction I do.


"Hey, Buddy. What ya doin'?" Ryder questions, jumping up to sit on the table in front of me. I was in the library, reading a book Sam had given me; the Hunger Games. It was kind of sad, so Ryder was a very happy distraction.

"I am reading. I thought that would be obvious. How are you?" I close the book, setting it off to the side as I lean back in my chair. Ryder had seemed to be vanishing more and more often, leaving in the night and coming back late in the morning, smelling weird and going directly to bed. Mason told me he used to do... things like that a while ago, but stopped maybe a year ago. He said it had to do with a girl, that it was easier for him to deal with one-night stands than relationships, but I don't think it's a good idea.

"I'm alive, and in a good mood. I have also made plans for a few of us tonight. Now that you're twenty-one for all intents and purposes, we're going out tonight. Invite whoever you want, this bar doesn't I.D." I crinkle my nose in disgust. From what I've heard about bars and watched on TV, they don't sound very nice. "Oh, come on do not make that face! It'll be fun, you'll have a good time and so will whoever you invite." I'm not convinced, and start to say as much, but am quickly cut off by Ryder as Kirstin and Peter come into the room, "Meet me in front of the stairs at ten, we'll head out. Remember, bring whoever you want. I got to go."

I start to protest, "But-" He leaves the room before I can finish. I groan turning to look at the duo, one of which who is watching Ryder leave.

"... How many do you think you have left to- Hey!" Peter complains as Kirstin takes off after Ryder, sighing as she disappeared around the corner. I look at him as he sits next to me, "I swear that guys gonna ruin her."

"What's that supposed to mean? They've been friends for almost three years." I question angling myself and my chair to face him.

"Oh, come on. You can't be that oblivious. Ryder has been avoiding Kirstin since we got back, it's driving her nuts not being able to find out why. I personally think it's because he realized her and Mason basically share a brain, but either way, it's completely stupid." Mason, who showed up while Peter was talking, scoffs.

"I resent that statement. We share a mind link. Two separate minds that can hear each other's thoughts and see through each other's eyes. Most only get a one-way bond... can't tell if that would be better or worse." He rolls his eyes, turning to the shelves, looking through the books.

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