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Kirstin's P.O.V.- One Month Later...

I stare at the ceiling, listening to the noise outside of my room. It seemed to be an argument but the words were muffled. The few sentences I could make out were very unnerving. No... More time... Can't rush... no progress. I know they were dampening my hearing, and clearly failing, so not being able to hear anything isn't super shocking. What is shocking is when the door flings open, an unrecognizable figure stomping into the room, quickly followed by Sebastian.

"Stand up." The man states harshly, pulling out a baton, disabling the partition in front of me. I scramble to my feet, debating different ways to get the hell out of here. The guard grabs some cuffs as I study him carefully. Definitely trained. Probably high ranking, if he was the one in the doorway. A higher rank then Morgenstern, at least. "One move and I will put a bullet between your eyes. Put your wrists out in front of you."

I purposely fold my arms behind my back, "I'd like to see you try." He smacks me in the side with his baton, sending a rush of pain through me, almost like electricity, earning a growl from the back of my throat. Electrical batons. Well, shit. I keep my wrists where they are, however. Another hit. And another, and another. When he realizes he's not going to get me to move on my own, he does it for me, moving my arms to put a pair of handcuffs on after an extra long shock through my body, followed by three more hits.

I fall to the ground when he shoves, deciding it might just be better to play along with whatever he's planning until I know what's happening. He unlocks my ankle cuff, though the cuffs seem to have the same runes as the ankle, considering I still feel like there's a gaping hole in my powers, "This won't solve anything, you know. We can't have her forget anything, she needs her memories to access her powers. Erasing her will erase everything. It could take years before she could even be close to ready." Sebastian states, his posture nearly regal, his anger clear on his face.

The guard sizes me up for a moment, "Are you sure she is as powerful as you say? She hasn't tried to attack yet. I figured she would if she is so powerful."

"She's not idiotic, Roberts. Attacking won't get her anywhere. She has heightened hearing, she can hear that there are people in the halls, many of them. Attacking would most likely cause more problems than it would solve."

The guard, Roberts, moves in front of me, examining me still, "Do you speak?"

"Kiss my ass, you stupid motherfucker." He Roberts slaps me across the face, watching my reaction carefully. I bite back another comment sneering at him. He grabs the handcuffs, yanking me to my feet and all but dragging me out of the room.

"It's time to teach her some respect. Come on, Morgenstern." I thrash against him, watching as people move through the hallways next to us. Being half-dragged didn't help my examination of them, but it did mean I didn't have to walk on my shaky legs. Only being able to move around a small circumference and not eating most of the time I've been here meant I was a lot weaker than before.

"Please, I will never have respect for you." He ignores me, continuing to drag me down quite a few more hallways, past a cell and into a strange room. The room hand many people milling around it, a torture looking chair in the middle of it. "Listen, if you erase me, I couldn't help you if I wanted to. Everything I remember fuels my knowledge of my powers, what triggers them and what makes them stall. Erase that, you erase everything you need from me. I will be useless. Is that really what you want?"

He seems to consider for a moment, holding me still as I squirm, "We could continue this waiting game to see if you'll cooperate, to let you know how to use your powers. Or we could erase your memories now and train you properly." He shoves me toward the chair, two guards moving forward to grab me, "I like the second idea better." Guess it's now or never. I let my eyes flicker gold, sending a pulse through the room, everybody flying backward, Sebastian included. I let out a blood-curdling scream, letting the electricity flicker out in large sets of sparks. The guards recover quickly, moving to attack me in tandem. I move without thinking, letting instinct take over.

I spin the first guard around, wrapping my handcuffed hands around her throat, using the chain between them to choke her. I turn so I'm facing the other guard, kicking him square in the chest as I wait for the one behind me to go limp. Three more guards appear around me. Shit. I use my illusionary/halluciative (or whatever you want to call it) to make it seem like I disappeared out of their sights, releasing the now unconscious guard in the process. I keep it up, letting it surround me as I make a break for the door. "Close the door. Get this building on lockdown, now!" Sebastian grinds out, spinning toward the door at the same time I sprint out of it. Now to find an exit. Or at least something to break these stupid cuffs.

I come to a screeching halt when a group of soldiers comes barreling down the hallway in actual soldier get-up, unlike the ones in the room who had the pants, but different shirts. These only confirmed what I had already realized to be true. Sebastian is working with Hydra. When they pass I sneak a blade out of one of their holsters already wincing in pain before I have actually done anything. I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to look at what I'm about to do, biting my lip and swinging. The sharp blade easily slices through my wrist with the force applied, holding back a scream. I quickly rip the handcuff away from my severed wrist, quickly grabbing the hand on the floor placing it on the stump of my arm, watching it easily reattach. Well, I'll definitely have nightmares. I think to myself, quickly repeating the process with my other hand, watching the cuffs fall to the ground.

I sigh, messing around with my wrists for a moment before closing my eyes and focusing on the Compound.

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