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Kirstin's P.O.V.- The Next Morning...

I groan as Mason drags me to Topanga's. I agreed to call and have Happy pick me up instead of just showing up in front of the Tower. Not because I want to, but because we have a group of five, two of which can teleport, two don't want to, and the other doesn't actively care. It messes with Mason's stomach and Alec doesn't want to try for the simple reason of liking normal modes of transportation. Andi has never actually been teleported but is cool either way. She decided to tag along last minute, something about wanting to spend time with Mason and I a little more, even if it means running around the city to find out why Max was hiding facts about me from a psychopath. We agreed to Topanga's because that's where Happy would always pick me up. And because Mason wanted some food, but mostly the first reason.

When we get there, the doors are still locked, not open until eight. Did I mention it was seven in the morning? The lights are on and Katy is inside, but it's obvious that they aren't open yet. I smile as Andi knocks on the door, shivering a little in the cool spring air. I laugh as she catches her mom's attention, but Katy purposely takes her time to get to the door. When it's opened, however, Andi is enveloped in a bear hug, "Hey there Baby Girl!" She pulls away smiling and moving to let everybody in. She stops me and Mason, giving him a hug, "You're still as tall as ever, Mason. God, how have you changed so much? You were barely up to my waist the first time I met you."

"It was probably puberty." I joke, laughing as she releases him, moving to pull me in a hug.

"Then what's your excuse? You look so different!" She pulls away, examining me before pulling me into another hug, this one tighter than before.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I saw you, like, six months ago and I haven't changed anything about myself. Maybe your eyes are changing."

She laughs, moving around the counter, kissing Andi's cheek on the way by, pausing once to give Ryder a light hug too, "You don't have to make drastic changes to look different, Kirstin. You look more mature, like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders. Now, come sit here and let me give you ice cream for breakfast, because we need to get rid of it all in a week, and we have a lot. While you're at it, why don't you introduce me to your new friend?" I shake my head at her offer, easily declining.

"Actually that's my Uncle Alec. Some family things are going on and my parents decided it would be better if we had a... chaperone, per say. An adult in the family that can keep an eye on us in case something happens."

Katy disappears for a moment, returning with ice cream cones carefully set in weirdly twisted holsters that keep them from falling over. She sets them down, wiping her hands on a towel before reaching to shake Alec's hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Alec. I should probably warn you that Kirstin is really good at ditching people, so I wouldn't let her and your nephew leave your sight. She used to have bodyguards, but she always ditched them before making it to my house to pick Andi up. That was usually the first place they looked."

I snort, "I remember that. I one time told a bodyguard I had to use the bathroom and sent Shawn to distract them. God, your husband is amazing. He's just so cool to go along with all the plans Andi, Mason, and I would come up with. Maybe we should say hi at some point, go to your house. He would probably be happy, and Maya would love that."

"So would I." Katy smiles, kissing her daughter's cheek again as Andi reaches to grab the ice cream cones. I grab two from her, handing the one to Mason, another to Ryder as Katy offers Alec some. At his refusal, she turns to talk to us again, "I'm so happy to see you, but I must admit, you are the last people I thought would be knocking on the door."

"I know. We actually can't stay long. Stark is sending a car to pick us up, but I found out we were coming here and figured I would see you like I've been promising to do for the past two months. Kirstin and I decided we could come back later, maybe you could see if you could talk Maya and Shawn into coming down here? I don't think they'd be cool if all of us showed up at the house."

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