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July 23, 2001

The hospital room was anything but silent. Half of the people in the room were all trying to get the woman's heart to start beating again, the other half seem dazed by the child that had been born out of the bright light of her mother's life draining. A blue woman was holding the quiet child. The baby wasn't crying, but it was obvious she was perfectly healthy. The blue woman, a warlock name Catarina Loss, had done everything that would normally be done by the nurse, and the mother. She was the one Amelia trusted to carry out everything she needed to be carried out. She would name the baby, take her home, and keep her safe. Eventually, though, the baby will be taken to its Uncles, preferably when its powers are no longer a threat. Nurse Loss, however, had to leave the child in the nursery at this point in time. This is where everything drastically falls off the course set up.

The Archangel stands over his daughter, an Angel Blade hidden in the jeans his vessel is required to wear. He was here to kill her, so no one will know it was him who broke the most sacred law. At least, if any Angels are to discover the truth, that is what he would tell them.

While it was true, he does not want to be discovered, the more accurate reason he was in here is that the child is the reason the woman he loves is dead. He was going to kill the baby for taking his Amelia away from him. For Amelia happily letting the child take her life.

The young woman, Amelia, made him feel human emotions, something Angels are not supposed to have. After he realized that they would not go away, he went down to kill the woman. However, the plan derailed as he not only fell into bed with her but into love as well. All of these actions lead to this moment. Falling into bed with her lead to the conception of the child, falling in love with Amelia lead to him wanting the baby dead. Him being in trouble could theoretically make him want her gone just as much, but revenge is the true fuel of his actions.

He pulled his Angel Blade out, pointing it at her heart, deciding to look away from the place it would enter. He ended up catching the babies eyes. Something about the startling blue-green eyes seemed to strike a nerve inside him. They remind him of her mother. The innocent child under the point of his blade stares into his eyes as he drew back... and drops the blade on the ground. He couldn't do it.

How far he had fallen, He thinks bitterly, The Great and Powerful Michael, the ruthless Warrior of Heaven, can't kill this dreadful abomination. He stared at the little baby girl in the bassinet.

No, she wasn't an abomination. She was a child. Flesh and blood. Flesh and blood that they had created; he had created. He carefully two of his fingers on her right shoulder, burning an Enochian mark to bind powers and hide her from the Angels. He picks her up, deciding this would be the first (and last) time he'd ever hold or see her. His child. What did the nurse name her? Kirstin Mackenzie Black, He recalls, What an odd name.

Kirstin's P.O.V.- Present Day

I stand outside the door of Topanga's, waiting for Avery, Andi, Mason, and Jack. I open my notebook, deciding to spend the time doing something useful. While I stand there, the door opens. I glance up, seeing Ryder, Kit, and Ty standing there, heading in the opposite direction of me. Ryder glances back for a second, before looking back at his friends. The other Shadowhunters seem to shrug at him.

I go back to reading, though it was more staring at the page as Iet my thoughts take over. Personally, I was- still am- unsure why Ryder goes to normal school. He has Runes, so he's clearly training to become a Shadowhunter, but he still goes to Mundane school. He doesn't seem to realize that Avery and I are Hunters, he hasn't said anything to us or anybody else. Since he hasn't said anything to anyone else, we figured it best not to tell him we know what he is, both agreeing that it could be a useful piece of information to have in our back pockets.

I feel an arm around my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts, "So when are you all leaving for Kansas? Or are you staying with Tony still?"

I look up at Ryder for a second watching his features before responding, his dull gold eyes had a darker green tint in the afternoon lighting, and the shadows on his face made him look older than his seventeen years. The hand resting lightly on my shoulder has an eye-shaped rune on it, a dull black ink that could resemble a tattoo. "So when are you all leaving for Kansas? Or are you staying with Tony still?"

I look up at Ryder for a second watching his features before responding, his dull gold eyes had a darker green tint in the afternoon lighting, and the shadows on his face made him look older than his nineteen years, "Uh, well my Uncle is supposed to get here tonight, so we are leaving tomorrow morning. Sam is going to fly with us back, so Dean doesn't have to. So... no, no staying with Tony."

"Bummer... And Andi is going with you?" His eyes never leave my face as I try to avoid looking into his pretty, odd eyes.

I nod slightly, "Yep- Yeah. Mason too. Weird that they have graduated already. Weird that I'm only a few classes away from graduating."

He leans back slightly, looking shocked, "Really? But you're, like, three years younger than me!"

"Two and a half, I think. And you graduated this year too. Everybody did." I close the book, looking over to the sidewalk at the last place I saw his friends. He seems to follow my gaze.

"Yeah, they left without me. So... Does that mean you're coming back to New York next school year?"

I shake my head deciding to look towards the door, "I think I am actually going to finish up online. That means staying with my Uncles. Of course, we'll visit all the time, Andi has family here, Mason too, and of course, we have Tony. Plus, now that Nat and Sam are dating, her friends are another reason to come back and visit." He nods, opening his mouth to respond. He never gets the chance, however, because the others come outside. I stand up, quick to stand next to Jack. "Are you guys done saying goodbye?"

"Are you?" Avery comments, wiggling her eyebrows, her arm around her girlfriend's waist. I roll my eyes, tucking my notebook into the bag I had on the floor next to me.

"I've been ready since I came out here. Let's go."

"Okay, okay." Andi jokes as our group starts walking down the street, the opposite way as everyone else. I turn around, walking backward to wave goodbye to Ryder.

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