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Kirstin's P.O.V.- Two Days later...

"Why are we doing this before we even know where he is?" Dean asks, turning to talk to the redhead next to him. We were standing in the Institute library, discussing the Heavenly Fire plan.

"Crowley's facts have been checked, and so far they all seem pretty accurate. This is more of a better safe than sorry plan. There is no real need for acting on it until we're certain Crowley was telling the truth" Jace explains, moving to check a tablet.

"If you give us a picture we can put an A.P.B. out on him. In New York and a few other states. We have a few cop friends. We're actually going to visit her later today." I smile. Rose had been ecstatic to see Mason and I. She's going to lose her shit when she finds out about him bringing me back, but it'll be worth it. Give me some peace of mind, especially after seeing the other her dead.

"Sometimes I think you'd wish she was your mother." I glare at Dean's comment, "Just sayin'."

I jump up onto the table, picking up a blade and examining it, "Nah, I prefer Rose alive. Wouldn't be able to do that if she were my mom." Dean and Sam quickly make up excuses to not be here, Andi, Avery, and Jack proceed to do the same. They just ditched me with these people! One stupid comment sends everybody running

"Well... That's dark. I surely doubt that whatever happened to your mom would happen to your friend." Magnus says, actually sounding sincere as he rests his hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off before explaining.

"No, it would've. Our mothers, if we're birthed by mortal women, die during childbirth. Well, they actually progressively get worse while pregnant, then die during childbirth. It's too much strain on their bodies. I'm not sure if Nephilim could survive if they have a child with a normal angel, but Amelia didn't stand a chance against a spawn of an Archangel."

Simon laughs, turning to look at Izzy then looking to me, "You realize you just referred to yourself as a spawn, right?"

"Why do you call your parents by their first names?" Alec asks softly, carefully watching my face. I look down, my face morphing to a frown. I force a smile on my face, trying to laugh this off. Giggle, act like you don't care.

"One question at a time! Yes, I realize I called myself a spawn, but I've been called much worse by Michael and his brothers and sisters in arms. I call them by their names because I never met them. A family is made by loyalty, not blood. My mother tried to kill me multiple times in the womb because of Michael. Michael's just a bag of dicks, now excuse me while I pretend to care about what Avery says about paparazzi." I jump down, moving to leave the room.

Alec grabs my shoulder, "No one leaves the Institute without one of us with them. Where are you going?"

"Greenwich Village. Gotta make a stop in two places. One to get two teenage girls off my back, another to not get shot by Mason's mom."

"Did she threaten to shoot you if I didn't visit?" I nod. Mason laughs, throwing his arm over my shoulder as Alec draws his hand back. "Damn, she told me she'd throw me in the river. She needs to correlate her threats."

I turn back to the group of Shadowhunters, "Alright, I know Ryder is going. He wants the girls off his back probably as much as we do. Who's joining our little Scooby Gang?"Alec sighs, glaring at Magnus, who offered Jace and him as soon as I finished my sentence.


The door of Riley's house is swung open by Riley's little brother, "Hey Auggie. Where's Riley? Better yet, where are your parents?"

He groans, an over-exaggerated sound, "Why don't you use the window like the rest of them?"

I move quickly, picking him up easily and walking through the living room at the same time. I shake him around a little bit, earning that amazing childish laughter. I love making people laugh, it makes me feel a little better, "Because I've gotta check on my favorite Super-Spy August Matthews. Alright," I set him on the living room coffee table, bending my knees a little so we're the same height, "tell me stuff, Super-Spy."

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