How He Reacts When You Break Up (C)

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Darry: He works extra around the Curtis house (chores, etc.) as well as at his job to try and distract himself from how torn and hurt he's feeling. He also starts snapping at Pony and Soda more, refusing to confide in anybody about what's going on.

Two-Bit: He starts drinking more than usual, which means a lot, seeing as how he's almost always drunk anyway. It gets bad enough that even Dally thinks it's a bad idea.

Dally: He tries to get with every girl he sees in a desperate attempt, but with no success, to fill the hole you once filled. Whether he realizes that's the reason or not, everybody around him can see that it clearly is, because he blows up whenever anybody says your name.

Steve: His reactions weren't as noticeable except that he started closing himself off from people more. Also, he often overreacted to small inconveniences such as dropping a wrench when working on a car.

Sodapop: Nobody knows except for Pony, but Soda often cries at night before going to sleep. The day you broke up, he was even sobbing. He also looks through now tear-stained pictures of the two of you.

Johnny: He goes to the spot in the lot where you guys would always go to and hang out with each other. He sits there for hours at a time, feeling empty and broken, not even letting Ponyboy join.

Ponyboy: He closes himself off from everybody and goes through the motions of his daily life every day. He can't help but longingly stare at you and on those days that he does see you, he without a doubt cries himself to sleep that night.