What You Call Each Other (C)

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Darry: Darry typically fits in the stereotype of the 'sweet boyfriend.' An example of this is how he calls you 'babygirl', often calling you that more than he calls you by your real name. In return, you call him 'babe.' Sometimes you do call him 'dude' because you know how much it gets on his nerves, and it's become somewhat an inside joke between you two.

Two-Bit: He calls you 'sweetheart' and you call him 'baby.' The gang isn't really used to Two acting so sweet and romantic, so they often jokingly make gagging noises when you guys call each other by those names.

Dally: Ever since the two of you met, Dallas has called you 'shortie'(if you're a tall person, think of this as a purposefully ironic nickname). You've always pretended you hated it, but in reality you loved when he called you that. The same thing applies to what you call him: 'pretty boy.'

Steve: As well as emotional, you guys' relationship centers around physical, sexual things a lot of the time, which reflects in how you talk to each other(specifically in what you call each other). Steve calls you 'babe', and you call him 'hottie', a name he's very fond of.

Sodapop: Soda is a very gushy, romantic person when it comes to relationships. He calls you 'love' whether he's in a good or bad mood. As many of the gang do, you call him 'pepsi-cola.' Despite him getting called that a lot by practically everybody, the nickname held a different meaning to him whenever you said it, and the times you say it are the only times he doesn't hate the name.

Johnny: He calls you by the name 'beautiful' as often as if it were your parent-given name, but that doesn't stop either you or him from blushing slightly every time the name is used. And, in return, you call him 'johnnycakes.' Usually he hates being called that, but just about every time you call him that you can get a blush out of him.

Ponyboy: Pony doesn't call you by much other than your first name, but occasionally - and never when there are other people around - he calls you 'cutie.' You call him nerd a lot, but only in a kind-hearted way. (ex: "I'm glad you're my nerd"; "I love you, nerd")