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The admin have discussed your request, and we think you'd be best with Johnny Cade!

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The admin have discussed your request, and we think you'd be best with Johnny Cade!

This request, we'll admit, was a bit of a tough one. We were originally going to pair you with Sodapop Curtis, but the "If dogs could talk..." line set us off a little, as we think Soda is 100% a people person. Then we transferred to Steve Randle, as he's similar to Soda in many ways, but the "introverted" line set us off of that, too(though we do think Steve could definitely go for a quieter girl, it just didn't feel right to us). Finally, we set our sights on Johnny. He's around the same age, and we think he'd definitely admire your love for art and poetry. After all, he admired Pony's love for literature, didn't he? We also think both of your introvert personalities would fit together nicely.

We hope you like this pairing! If you have any differing opinions, we'd love to hear them and discuss them.

Finally, as an extra part to this ship request, we'd like for you to tell us which of the following you'd like to see next! Other people may comment their opinions, but overall it's your decision that will tell us what to write.

1st question: Would you like us to write a gif imagine or a regular imagine!

2nd question: Would you like the imagine to be serious or have a more playful tone?

Whether you choose gif imagine or a regular imagine, both will be centered around Johnny, of course. If you have any specific suggestions, your wish is our command for this next imagine, so go ahead and share it with us!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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