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You and Sodapop go see a movie together. Of course you both are at the drive-in theater, though there is no car and you both are simply sitting next to each other using some folding chairs.

"So, do you want to get something to eat?" Soda confidently asks. You look up away from your trembling hands. You were so nervous that you were actually watching a movie with Sodapop Curtis, it was unbelievable.

"Um yea sure!" You said quickly so he couldn't notice your voice trembling. You didn't want this to be a bad date but being nervous wasn't helping at all. Soda got out of his chair and lended his hand out to you. you place your clammy hand in his warm and comforting one. You and him walked over to the snack bar and you quietly waited.

"You sure some quiet little mouse." Soda giggled. "Let's skip the awkwardness, what's something interesting about you?"

You think for a bit. It's hard to think when under pressure. Especially with the prettiest fellow you've ever met. " Um well, I (something interesting about you)."

"Dang, that is interesting. I-" Before he could finished he was handed the popcorn. Then, the movie began playing. You and him rushed back to your seats.


Later in the movie, Soda slowly placed his strong tan arms around your shoulders. You can feel yourself blushing, so you thank the Gods that its dark. You're not sure if you should place your head on his shoulder. Screw it you think. You place your head on his shoulder. "You know your're cute when you're quiet, but I do want to know you better." Soda whispered in my ear. It made you shiver. You gaze my eyes on him and his dark, soft eyes stared back. he smiled lightly then went in for a kiss.