
35 1 0

I burn with fury
I'm irritated, angry
I don't understand these things
Or I just wish they could get me

I walk into the kitchen,
No need to be irresponsible
I'll do by job as always
But, heck no, am I gonna "cool off"

I see that they're put away
And make a note in the back of my mind to say thank you to her later
When the anger is off my mind

I turn the faucet on
The warm water
Flows through my fingers
As I pick up the sponge

I grab at the soap in rage
But it falls in the water
One more thing to ruin my day

The soap is on the sponge now
I turn on my music and listen
My heart beat starts to slow
As I get into the rhythm

I tell myself to breathe
I feel the warmth of the water
I begin to sing
My fury is no longer

A smile spreads across my face
I drop every disguise
I sink into the music
Pure joy shows in my eyes

I look down at the water
My hands are empty
I realize the job is over
My anger is released

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