둘 2

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jeno made his way to school that morning excited to receive another letter from his anonymous admirer. He really hoped it was from Mina but he wasn't quite sure yet. Mina had his interested from the beginning of the school year, she was beautiful and popular but rarely gave jeno the time of day. His hopes remained strong though and continued to believe Mina actually liked him.

Once jeno arrived to the school it was around 7:25 so he had just enough time to check and then get to the practice room. He hurriedly opened his locker and a cute pink envelope fell out, jeno smiled and picked it up from the ground and neatly placed it in his backpack. He'd read it later once he got into class.

Once jeno reached the practice room he noticed that jaemin was the only one in the room besides himself, weird. He thought as he sat his bag down and started to stretch. He noticed jaemin was on his phone trying to keep to himself, maybe he was shy.

Jeno never noticed before (because he never cared to look) but jaemin was actually quite attractive, how could he not notice that? Jeno continued to take in all of jaemin's features until the boy looked up and made eye contact with jeno. A blush crept on both the boys faces as they both looked away quickly.

Luckily Jisung and Chenle arrived with haechan and renjun soon after them, saving the two boys from the awkward atmosphere. They all finished stretching and started the morning practice, but all jeno could think about was how he never payed any attention to jaemin before.

[ time skip to class ]

Jeno arrived to class in his black skinny jeans and hoodie with his hair all wet from showering, everyone was drooling over him. There was no doubt that jeno was attractive, especially during and after dance. Girls were swooning over him while guys either joined the girls or wished they were that attractive. For jaemin, he just tried his best to ignore it and not freak out over how hot jeno was. He had to keep up his act and not let anything slip but jeno made that so hard for him.

Once jeno sat down and the attention diverted to the teacher at the front of the room he decided to open the pink envelope that was siting in his backpack just waiting to be opened.

He carefully ripped the seams of the envelope and took out the paper and placed it on the desk carefully. He started reading what was written on the paper and smiled involuntarily. Although the lyrics written were somewhat sad it still made him smile knowing that this person cared a lot about him.

He also noticed how at the end of the letter there was a letter instead of anonymous, this made him quirk up a bit and become curious. The letter was N, who has an N in their name? He immediately thought of Mina and got excited, Mina had an N in her name although it was in the middle but it was still there.

Jaemin noticed that Jeno was reading his letter and got nervous. They shared most of the same classes with each other and in some classes were even seat mates. Luckily for jaemin, this class he was seated a good distance away from jeno but close enough to see what he was doing. Call him creepy but he didn't give two shits.

Jaemin watched as jeno smiled at what he wrote on the letter and felt his heart warm at the sight. He knew that jeno had no idea it was him, but seeing him smile made him happy regardless.

At the end of the day all jeno could talk about was how he thought the letter was from Mina and how there was a hint to who it was. It annoyed jaemin and hurt him a little bit, but he knew this was going to happen anyways.

During their training after school all jaemin could focus on was jeno talking non stop about Mina this and Mina that. It annoyed him to no end. Why did he like jeno again? A good question indeed.

Jisung noticed jaemin's annoyance and decided that he should probably go comfort his friend. He was the only one who knew about jaemin's secret crush and about the letters he sent the boy, so he knew what jaemin must be feeling at this moment.

"Jaemin hyung are you okay?" Jisung asked as he stood next to jaemin as they watched the others practice and talk about Mina. "I'm fine, as fine as I can be" jaemin chuckled softly but Jisung knew he was upset.

Jisung just patted his back and went back to dance with the others. Jaemin decided to stay and watch for a while longer. Maybe next time he should leave a better hint. A hint that will change jeno's mind about it being Mina behind the letters.


And another chapter done :)) I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!

- j

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