다섯 5

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The next morning Jaemin woke up confused, he probably had one of the best sleeps of his life and he couldn't even remember why.

Once he finally woke up enough to scan the area around him, he noticed that he was lying on top of someone. Specifically with his head lying on the boys chest with their legs intertwined.

Jaemin slowly lifted his head up so he wouldn't wake up whoever he was on top of and peeked at the persons face.

Oh god

Jaemin felt his face flush red and his whole body tense at the sight of the boy underneath him. Jeno? Jaemin was taken aback and curious as to how they ended up like that. From what he could remember, he fell asleep with his head in jeno's lap not on his chest.

He remembers jeno running his hands through jaemin's hair and kissing his head before falling asleep with his head tilted back on the couch, not with jeno's hands tightly (but comfortably) wrapped around jaemin's thin waist with his nose pressed into jaemin's hair.

He must've got uncomfortable or something, yeah that's it.

Jaemin thought as he looked at the sleeping boy below him, his eyes scanned the room to see Jisung still in his little blanket burrito but with his head stuck out and hair messily thrown everywhere. He noticed that renjun and chenle were no longer where they were when they initially fell asleep, I bet you renjun carried chenle to his room and slept there instead. What a little shit.

Jaemin yawned and searched for his phone that was lying on the floor, half of his body off the couch and the other barely still wrapped in jeno's arms on the couch. "Mm nana?" Jaemin froze as he heard jeno's deep and groggy morning voice.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit. Why does he sound so hot and attractive in the morning? Not that he doesn't sound attractive all the time but holy fucking shit!

Jaemin's mind was racing, jeno was too much for him to handle this early in the morning. "Uh just trying to find my phone, sorry for waking you" jaemin explained quietly. Jeno just hummed in response and tightened his grip on jaemin's waist and pulled him closer.

Jeno was very clingy in the morning, especially with a cute boy lying half on top of him.

Jaemin successfully grabbed his phone before jeno could pull him back on to the couch and closer to him, he felt the older boy nuzzle his face in jaemin's hair and felt his breathing get heavier as he drifted off to sleep again.

Jaemin was chest to chest with jeno, making it almost impossible to do absolutely anything. But jaemin figured something out, he had just enough room to move his arms around freely but that was about it.

Jaemin had one arm slung on jeno's collar bone and neck, with his hand in jeno's hair and the other arm bent with his phone in hand on jeno's chest. He checked the time to see that it was barely 7am and the sun was slightly peeking through the curtains. No wonder no one else was awake.

Jaemin decided that he wasn't tired anymore but jeno was making it very difficult for him not to be. His slow and heavy breaths near jaemin's ear were quite relaxing, as well as the heat that was being shared between the two boys bodies.

Jaemin yawned and felt his eyes get heavier by the second, he threw his phone down and buried his face in jeno's neck before drifting off to sleep again.


The next time jaemin woke up it was to the giggles and shushes coming from renjun and chenle. Jaemin groaned and stretched the best he could as he was still on top of jeno.

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