일곱 7

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Friday 6:30am

Jaemin woke up earlier than he usually did, just to make sure he wouldn't be late whatsoever today.

Jaemin finished his letter and decided that maybe he should give jeno another hint. It was probably a bad idea since jeno was onto him last Friday but he didn't care.

Dear jeno,
It's been a while since I've given you a hint or anything about me, I know you were on to someone and you almost found me out. It's probably a bad idea to tell you this but, I'm a boy. That's your hint for this week.
Anyways, we've grown fairly close to one another over the past months and I'm really happy about that. I know what you're reputation is though with dating so I'm afraid of what's going to happen. I really like you jeno, and it hurts so much. I just wish you would like me back and see me more than a friend.
That's all for now, I hope you have a great weekend my angel.

-  N.J

Jaemin stuffed the letter in his bag and got ready for school, he made sure he would still have plenty of time before jeno got to school because he didn't really feel like acting or being questioned by jeno about the letter and about the person behind it.


Jeno opened his locker and smiled as he watched the pink envelope fall from his locker and onto the floor. Friday's were his favorite days because he got a letter every single time.

He had been trying so hard to figure out who the person behind the letters was and has gotten so close many times yet he still just can't figure it out. Hell, he doesn't even know the gender of the person yet.

He decided to open the envelope once he was in class and with jaemin, maybe he can somehow tease the boy enough to get it out of him.

Jeno made his way to the practice rooms and found jaemin there all alone on the floor with his earphones in and phone in hand.

Should I scare him? Hm

Jeno was a pretty mischievous kid, not as bad as Chenle and Jisung but he could be pretty evil at times. This was one of those times.

Jeno quietly made his way into the room and slowly crept to a corner where he put his bag down. Jaemin had yet to hear him or notice any movement in the room, he was too occupied with his phone.

Jeno decided that he was going to scare jaemin by turning the lights off, that's all he had planned so far.

He made his way to the light switch and carefully pushed the switch down, a click was heard throughout the room before all the lights went out and the room went pitch black.

"What the fuck! Oh my god. I swear, who's trying to kill me this early in the morning." Jaemin yelled and panicked for a bit, jeno smiled at his success for scaring the cute boy.

Jeno kept quiet and watched as jaemin's phone screen was the only light illuminating the room. He watched as the younger arose from the floor and made his way towards jeno and the light switch.

Jeno felt panic arise in his chest before it settled down and he smirked once more, he was gonna scare jaemin some more.

Jeno could tell jaemin had taken his headphones out because there was no music blasting from them anymore, he has to be extra quiet to complete this task.

Jaemin got closer and closer to jeno as the seconds went by until he was searching the wall for the light switch. This was a perfect opportunity to scare jaemin again.

Jeno quietly but quickly took a few steps to where he was standing just behind jaemin and wrapped his arms around jaemin's waist, kissing his neck sweetly.

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