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Jeno knew he liked jaemin, he knew he liked him too much but he chose to ignore it. He couldn't like jaemin, he was friends with jaemin and he didn't want to ruin that.

He also didn't want to hurt this N.J boy that wrote him letters, he would feel terrible. Although he was known for being a player somewhat, he still had a heart and didn't like hurting innocent people.

Jeno was controlling his flirting to a minimum with jaemin, sometimes he would slip up and flirt more than he should but he was trying his best. Jaemin was just irresistible in his eyes, how did he not have a boyfriend or girlfriend already?

All jeno was focused on for the past week was who N.J was, the initials would never leave his brain no matter how hard he tried. He was either thinking of jaemin or of N.J

He wanted to try and figure out who was behind the letters before he would admit his feelings for jaemin, it was shitty but he couldn't hurt N.J's feelings. He didn't want to hurt his feelings at all.

Jeno knew that this person was in most of his classes and that he had grown close to them over the few months that he had received the letters, everyday he would try and sneak a peak at every boys name and initials in all his classes but still couldn't figure out who it was.

The only person jeno knew with the initials N.J was jaemin, but jaemin couldn't be behind the letters could he?

This made jeno's thoughts run wild, he had a headache and just wanted to give up. This was all too confusing and he didn't know what was wrong and what was right anymore.


It was December now. Jaemin had been writing letters to jeno for about 3 months and had been jeno's friend for half of the time.

It was quite cold where they lived and jaemin was known to always wear cute sweaters and jackets even if it wasn't cold out. He felt cute in an oversized sweater and no one told him any different, because it was true.

On this particular day though, jaemin wanted to wear a cute oversized pink sweater and ripped blue skinny jeans to go with it. He was always a very confident boy and today was no exception to that, he felt cute as fuck and no one could change his mind.

Jaemin entered the school early as usual with his cheeks all wind burnt and chapped and his nose red from the cold, his sleeves were long and folded over his hands to create sweater paws, and his hair was a mess from the wind but he still looked gorgeous.

Surprisingly jeno had arrived earlier than jaemin, granted it wasn't a Friday, but jaemin was usually always here before the older.

Jeno noticed jaemin as the younger walked into the practice room and his jaw immediately dropped. Jaemin was the prettiest boy he had ever seen in his life, prettier than anyone he had ever dated or had a fling with. It was like he was star struck at the younger's beauty.

Jeno knew jaemin was pretty but god damn jaemin was just so pretty today he thought his heart was going to melt.

"Jeno, what are you staring at?" the younger snapped jeno out of his thoughts as he waved his hand in front of jeno's face.

"Oh uh I was just thinking" jeno slowly replied, should he compliment him? Friends do that right?

"Um you look really cute today jaemin-ah" jeno said quietly and felt his cheeks heat up.

"Oh, thank you jeno. You look cute too" jaemin replied confidently but secretly blushed as well at the compliment he received from the older.

The two remained silent for the rest of the time being until the rest of their group came in and they started to practice.

By the end of the day jaemin could tell something was up with jeno, the older had been acting strange and distant to him all day and he wanted to know what was wrong.

"Hey jeno! Wait up!" Jaemin yelled from across the hall to get jeno's attention. He got weird stares but ignored them as he pushed his way through the crowded hallway to jeno.

"Uh yes jaemin?" Jeno asked and looked down at his feet nervously. There was definitely something up with him.

"Are you okay? You seem to be more nervous and distant to me today besides this morning, did I do anything wrong?" Jaemin asked him nervously.

Jeno tensed at the question and tried to ignore it. "Jeno please tell me what's wrong?" Jaemin pleaded and pouted.

"Nothings wrong jaemin" jeno sighed and tried to walk off again but jaemin grabbed his arm and pulled him back forcefully. They were chest to chest now in this crowded hallway, there was no escape this time.

"n-nothing is wrong jaemin, I promise" jeno stuttered and tried to avoid eye contact with the younger.

"You're the worst liar ever Lee Jeno, I can tell when you're upset and when you're lying" jaemin said and raised jeno's head to where he would look at the younger.

Jaemin noticed the blush on the older's face and the flash of panic in his eyes as well, there was no way something was not wrong with him.

"Jeno you know you can trust me, please tell me what's wrong" jaemin said sympathetically, he was truly concerned for jeno and wanted him to be clingy again even if it messed with his heart.

"Can I tell you some other time? I promise I'll tell you" jeno tried to reason. Jaemin could tell jeno was telling the truth and decided that he would let it go for now.

"Pinky promise?" Jaemin lifted his pinky in between the two, jeno stared at his hand confusedly before hooking his pinky with jaemin's.

"I promise" jeno said and squeezed their pinkies together before backing away from jaemin and pulled the younger into a tight hug. He needed one last hug before his whole world went to shit.

"I promise I'll tell you when this whole thing is over, I promise." Jeno squeezed jaemin's waist tighter and felt tears prick in his eyes. He kissed jaemin's cheek quickly and smiled sadly before walking away from the younger and to his house.


Ayeee what do you think is up with jeno? Why was that his last hug with jaemin and why is his world going to shit? Feel free to leave your theories in the comments :))

Also sorry for the shorter chapter, I've been very busy this weekend

I love you guyssss and I love nomin, have a great day//night!!

- j

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