셋 3

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The next Friday rolled around and jaemin was so tired of hearing jeno talk non stop about Mina, he couldn't stand it.

Jaemin decided that this time his hint will be stronger than the last and hopefully make Jeno realize Mina doesn't give two shits about him. It sounded mean but he didn't care, he wasn't going to give credit to a stupid girl who didn't even give jeno the time of day.

It was around 6:45am when jaemin started to write jeno his letter. It took him a while to figure out what he wanted to write and decided he didn't want to give him a confession or compliment, he was going to tease him and leave hints.

Dear jeno,

I know you've been trying to find out who I am, and sadly you aren't close at all. I'm not Mina, sorry to break it to you. I'll give you some more hints but I won't reveal myself just yet. We have quite a few classes together and see each other often. We don't talk much but we have spoken a few words, I know you very well but I don't think you care much for me but that's okay. That's all for now, I hope you have a good Friday and weekend. Make sure to smile for me even if you're sad from knowing I'm not Mina.

- N.J
theres another hint for you my dear

Jaemin finished writing and went through his process of sealing the envelope and getting to school to stick it in jeno's locker.

Jaemin was so close to being caught but he luckily had a mask and hoodie on when jeno walked into the school and to his locker.

Jeno thankfully didn't notice jaemin as he was to busy on his phone as he walked to his locker. Jeno suddenly felt butterflies in his chest as he realized it was Friday and that he would receive another letter.

Jaemin quickly ran to the practice room to get away from jeno and fell to the ground gasping for air once he made it into the room. He checked the time to see it was already 7:30am and everyone should be arriving soon, jaemin was stretching when jeno walked through the doors with a smile on his face and jaemin's letter in his hand.

"Jaemin! You're here early again" jeno exclaimed as he set his stuff down and made his way over to jaemin. "Uh Yeah, I usually always get here early" jaemin said quietly as jeno sat down next to him.

What is he doing? He's never even spoken to me this much before holy shit

Jaemin was freaking out over the close proximity of the two boys. They were shoulder to shoulder and knee to knee as they sat criss crossed on the ground.
"I get a letter every Friday, I think you knew that ah I'm sorry" jeno spoke up as he grabbed the envelope and looked at jaemin.

"Uh yeah, I've heard you speak to the others about it before" jaemin said nervously. "Oh yeah well, wanna read it with me? Maybe you can help me figure out who she is" jeno said smiling. Jaemin smiled back but deep inside him he was hurt by the use of "she".

"Um sure, I'm not sure how much help id be but I'll try" jaemin said, jeno nodded his head and began to open the envelope. "It's always neatly folded and put into a pretty envelope, that always makes me happy. Knowing they care that much about me" jeno said smiling. Jaemin noticed he didn't use the female pronouns but shook it off.

Jeno read through the letter silently and jaemin watched how his smile turned into a frown. Jaemin knew it was about the hint he gave him.

"What's wrong jeno?" Jaemin asked softly and jeno just stared at the paper with a blank face. "It's not Mina" jeno said quietly, jaemin tried to act surprised and hurt but he wasn't very good at acting. "I'm sorry jeno, that kinda sucks. But you know it could always be someone better?" Jaemin said with a questioning tone.

Jeno was hurt yeah, but he kinda expected this anyways. Why would Mina like him anyways? His happy mood suddenly changed to a sad and depressing one but remembered that jaemin was by his side.

"Jaemin do you know anyone with these initials?" Jeno asked as he pointed at the end of the letter. Jaemin stiffened and suddenly regretted putting that on there. "Um there's a lot of people with those initials, it could be anyone." Jaemin said quietly. Jeno just slumped back against the wall they were leaning on and sighed deeply.

"Jaemin this sucks. I know this person cares about me and I really enjoy getting these letters but it sucks to know that my crush isn't the one behind it all you know?" Jeno said sadly. "I know what you mean, it'll be okay I promise" jaemin said and gave jeno one of his biggest and prettiest smiles, he was told his smile could make anyone happy and smile with him.

"You have a pretty smile jaemin" jeno said as he looked at jaemin and smiled along with him. Jaemin's smile really was contagious. "T-thank you, you do too" jaemin stuttered and his ears turned red. "It's almost 7:40, where is everyone?" Jeno asked curiously. Jaemin shook his head indicating that he didn't know either, but as soon as the two sat back in silence a group of loud boys burst through the practice door.

"Sorry we're late! Jisung almost killed us on the way here" renjun yelled as chenle's screeching dolphin laugh echoed throughout the room. Jeno stood up instantly and started to laugh along with the rest of the boys while jaemin remained seated and stared off into space.

Jeno made him feel sad but happy at the same time, it was too hard to comprehend how he was feeling at the moment. "Jaemin hyung! Come on we're fixing to start!" Chenle yelled and snapped jaemin out of his trance. He stood up and trudged his way over to the group and they started their practice.

The rest of the day went by in a blur for jaemin, it was one of those days where he felt everything but nothing at all. He had his headphones in and music blasting all day to distract himself from the nasty thoughts creeping into his head. He had to remain positive, that was who he was, the bright and positive Nana.

On the other hand, jeno felt the same way. He felt sad but not enough to feel numb the way jaemin was. He felt hopeless but somewhat happy at the same time. Something in the back of his mind was telling him that he was glad it wasn't Mina behind the letters.

Jeno walked out of the school and to the studio he trains at, he felt a presence behind him but shrug it off. He didn't care much anyways, that was until he slowed down as he reached the studio and felt a body collide with his.

"A-ah I'm sorry I wasn't looking" the person said as they distanced there selves from jeno. "It's oka-y... jaemin ?" Jeno turned around and was surprised to see it was jaemin who ran into him and was most likely the one who was behind him the whole time.

"O-oh jeno, sorry I wasn't really paying attention" jaemin explained as he took out his earphones and shoved them in his pocket. Jaemin looked so small and sad in the the giant hoodie he was wearing, messy hair and a sad glint in his eyes. Jeno noticed everything and just wanted to give the other boy a hug.

"Jaemin-ah are you okay?" Jeno asked softly as he reached and grabbed onto jaemin's sweater paws. Jaemin's breath hitched and a blush crept its way onto his face. "I'm f-fine, I didn't hit you that hard" jaemin stuttered and looked down at the ground. Jeno cooed at the younger and squeezed his hands. "That's not what I meant, you seem upset. Did anything happen?" Jeno asked sincerely. Jaemin stiffened and continued to stare at a spot on the sidewalk they were standing on.

"U-uh I'm okay, just school has me stressed and stuff" jaemin lied but jeno believed him anyways. "Okay, well we should probably go in now. We probably look strange if we stand here for too long" jeno said and laughed awkwardly. Jaemin just smiled and made his way into the building. Jeno dropped jaemin's hands and blushed as he followed the younger into the practice room.

Why am I blushing? I've never felt like this before. Jaemin-ah what are you doing to me??


:)) it's getting somewhere now. Hopefully I'm not moving too terribly fast but I don't wanna drag it out because if I do I end up forgetting what I want to do and fall in a slump so :( Anyways I hope you enjoyed!

- j

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