열 아홉 19

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Hi yes, last chapter until the epilogue

Jaemin and Jeno were actually at their own respective houses for once, their parents were home and claimed they missed their children. Jaemin and Jeno claimed they missed each other instead.

Jeno 💞
I miss you :,((
Like so so sooo much
it's hurting my heart
Sent 11:45am

Baby jaem 💞
I miss you too :,((
My mom & dad aren't even
paying attention to me either ugh
Sent 11:46am

Jeno 💞
Sameeee they hugged me and
now they won't even acknowledge
my existence.
Sent 11:47am

Baby jaem 💞
I miss your hugs :,((
like I might die without them
Sent 11:48am

Jeno 💞
wanna go on a date?
Sent 11:50am

Baby jaem 💞
I mean... uh yes :))
Send 11:52am

Jeno 💞
You're so cute nana <3
I'll pick you up @ 1pm
Send 11:54am

Baby jaem 💞
I excited :))
Read 11:55am

Baby jaem 💞
Do I need to wear anything
like fancy?? Orrrr
Sent 12:01pm

Jeno 💞
Just dress cute like you usually do ;)
I'll see you at 1 babe <33
Sent 12:03pm

Baby jaem 💞
awe okay
I will look extra extra cute
for my cute boyfriend ;)
see ya @ 1 !! <33
Read 12:05pm

{ jaemin put his phone on the
charger and got ready for
his date in an hour, his heart
beating out of his chest in excitement }

An hour later and jaemin was ready to go, he left a note for his parents on the fridge and skipped his way to the door once the bell rang.

He opened the door to be greeted by his handsome boyfriend, he kissed him and quickly pulled him into a hug before lacing their fingers together and walking to Jeno's car.

Jeno took him to this cute arcade after they went out for lunch, jaemin loved every second of it.

Currently the two boys were battling it out in basketball, from jeno having played before and jaemin hadn't you could tell who was in the lead. They kept playing and playing because jaemin demanded that he needed to win before they quit, they had unlimited tokens for the day so it didn't matter much.

After their 5th game jaemin had grown tired of playing fair and decided to attack the older boy during his shots, he would tickle jeno and kiss him quickly before throwing a ball into the basket and repeating the process.

Although jaemin was a very good distraction he had only won by one point in the end. "Ha! I beat you!!" Jaemin exclaimed and smiled proudly at his boyfriend. "You beat me by one point nana" the older teased but jaemin didn't care, at least he won.

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