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^^ so THATS why Phoenix finds it hard to talk to Kiara!

Kiara's POV

We were both sitting on the sofa, stuffing our faces with burgers in comfortable silence. Honestly this is amazing, it's almost like old times. It wasn't awkward in the slightest, and we both just sat there, occasionally looking up to smile at each other.

I haven't been this happy in a long time. It's like I never need to try to be anyone I'm not with him. He doesn't look at what I wear and judge me based on whether my clothes are designer, he doesn't look at my grades and label me dumb like my mother does. It's just me, plain me, the one who doesn't care about all the things people say. That's what being with Phoenix is like, you feel so carefree. This is why I missed him so much.

I didn't tell him, but I was popular say my old school. Everyone only cared about the way they look or what other people think about them. But that's the thing, I did too. After being bullied when I was younger at this school for not being pretty enough, I decided to try harder with my appearance. I just wanted to be popular, to be liked, but it took me ages to realise they weren't the same thing.

Being popular was different in every way to being liked.
Popular was being stereotyped and constantly judged.
And I learned that the hard way.

I was so desperate to be accepted that I forgot who I was. I became exactly like Regina George from Mean Girls. I was horrible and spiteful and became so tied up in my own life that I didn't realise how I was hurting others.

I changed who I was as a person. I started wearing different clothes, hanging out with different people who influenced my behaviour. I was someone who was feared and hated, not liked.

I wanted to move back here so I could could go back to who I was, and because I wanted to see Phoenix. He was the only person I could ever really trust. He was my only real friend. I tried to tell him this but he didn't believe me, do I dropped it. I guess I would have to show him. I would show him everything that we were. How he always waited for me to get dressed on school days, even if it meant he was late for school. How we always complained in maths class because neither of us could do it. How I went round his house so often that his mum knew me better than my own mum did. God I could go on forever.


"I'm stuffed I swear I can't eat another thing!" Phoenix said to me laughing.
"Yeah me too, I think my stomach is gonna explode." I said back to him.

Suddenly I started choking on my burger, earning a muffled laugh from Phoenix.
He looked over at me and a smile crept onto his lips. A genuine smile, not the fake one he gives everyone at school.
Glaring at him for a second when I saw him trying not to laugh, I couldn't help but stare at his face. I wonder what he would look like without his hood on.
"What? Have I got food on my face? You're staring." He asked out of nowhere.
I panicked at the thought of being caught looking.
"No, I...uh can we watch a movie?" I said quickly, trying to change the subject.
If he noticed, he clearly didn't say anything, and I was thankful for that.
"Um yeah sure, what movie? There's some on Netflix. But I'm being serious, please don't make me sit through Legally Blonde or some other girly film because I think I will throw up."
"No! Of all the movies to insult, you choose to diss Legally Blonde. You know that's like my favourite movie of all time!"
"Yes, and I've watched it with you over one hundred times when we were younger so can we please watch something else?"
"Well if we can't watch what I want to watch, what do you want to watch?"
"Uh to be honest I just want to play Fortnite or something."
"There's no way in hell we are playing that! That's totally not fair, I can't play that for shit, and you win like every time."
"That's the point, it boosts my self esteem."
"Especially considering I could probably still beat you up." I said, trying my hardest not to laugh.
He turned away making a pouty face and crossing his arms.
"Aww no, don't ignore me. And anyway, Fork-knife isn't even a movie-"
"Call it Fork-knife ONE MORE TIME-"
"Pleeease?? I mean I wasn't even thinking of Legally Blonde until you brought it up!! So it's your fault so now we have to watch it so be quiet and give me the remote before I have to beat you up again." I argued.
Damn I was good at this.
"Urgh fine." He agreed, making me scream in delight as I clicked on the movie. I knew he would eventually give in. He's too nice for his own good.
"You can't beat me up." I heard him whisper from the other side of the sofa.
"yOu cAn'T bEaT mE uP," I said making fun of him, making it VERY clear I heard what he said.
"Oh you wanna bet?" He said waggling his eyebrows at me.
"TRY ME!" I yelled making him jump is surprise.
"Whoa!" He shouted as he fell off the sofa, landing butt first on the wooden floor.
I burst out laughing, not stopping till tears were falling from my eyes and my stomach was hurting.
"Are you alright?" I asked, helping him up from the floor once I had finished laughing.
"Yeah I'm good. I think my butt is gonna be bruised for a while now." He said which made me double over and laugh again.
"For real though-" I began, but I was annoying interrupted by a sudden knocking on the front door. Who could it be? Phoenix's mum and dad were apparently on vacation together. Well that's what he told me anyway. Unless he invited a girl over and is gonna kick me out. Oh my gosh Kiara shut up he wouldn't do that! I really can't go a single day without getting paranoid and blowing things way out of proportion.
"I'll get it," I said as Phoenix was still complaining about how much the fall hurt him and mumbling swear words under his breath.
The person knocked for a second time, a lot harder this time.
"Alright alright I'm coming." I said, slightly annoyed by the visitors impatience.
As I opened be door, I saw someone standing there, was no other than Danny.
"Listen Phoenix I-wait Kiara? What are you doing here?" He asked aggressively.
"I could ask you the same question." Phoenix said behind me.
I turned around and was about to speak to Phoenix when he said, "I think it's best you go inside now."
"Wait what? But I haven't-"
And I didn't get to finish my sentence because Phoenix pushed me gently back inside and closed the door and leaned on it so I couldn't get back out.

A.N. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please vote and comment and stuff😇

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