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A.N. If y'all see any mistakes comment where cause I'm tired and icba to proofread thank you!! 🙏

Kiara's POV


I was now in some massive shopping centre, searching for Violet and her friends. It had been about fifteen minutes since I'd first arrived, as Violet didn't give very clear instructions about where to meet.

Urgh where was she? I was starting to get a little annoyed, or even wondering if she ditched me or something.
"Oh for goodness sake!" I shouted, being extra yet again. But come on, you have to admit. It is a little annoying waiting around for her to appear out of thin air, since she sure as hell wasn't in this mall.

I looked around some more, starting to pace angrily, when I saw an exited Violet with a huge smile upon her flawless face.

"Oh hey Kiara! We've been looking all over for you!" She said, running up to me to hug me.

I need to stop jumping to conclusions...

"Hey yeah me too, I thought you weren't gonna turn up!" I said, causing them to laugh a little.
"Well you're here now, that's what matters," Brianna said, "plus we get to give you a makeover! It's essential for joining our friendship group. All of the previous members have done it, see it as a thank you for being our new bestie!" She squealed, the others joining in.

Um I don't remember signing up for this...

"A makeover? Can't we go to Starbucks or something?" I said.
Yes I know I am basic, don't judge.
"Aww come on, it'll be fun!" She said waggling her eyebrows at me. Talk about peer pressure!
"Not as fun as putting you in a box and mailing you to New Zealand." I said quietly.
Well I hoped it was quiet.
Yes I know I am creative when it comes to insults.
"What did you say babe?"
I cringed at the word 'babe' and said, "Oh don't worry nothing important."
Thank the Lord they didn't hear me. I really need to get ahold of myself.

After some convincing, I finally persuaded them to go to Starbucks for a while (since I'm really craving a coffee right now) but my makeover will be after. Violet, Brianna and the other ones who's names I can't remember are insistent in making me look like them, which I really don't know if I like the sound of. I like me the way I am thank you, but they really didn't seem to get the message.

Once I had collected my coffee from Starbucks and rolled my eyes at my name (they somehow spelt it Kiera not Kiara even though I said it pretty clearly) I sat down next to Violet who was chatting to her friends. They were in the middle of a conversation, but immediately acknowledged me when I placed my coffee on the table, smiling while Violet smiled back at me and opened her mouth to speak.

"So Kiara. What are your opinions on the new Gucci clothing line? So amazing right?"
I just stared cluelessly at her for a second. Uh...I just get my clothes from Primark but okay...
"Yeah they're so amazing, I really love the colours. Don't you?" I said, while they all nodded.
Trying to get away from the small talk and find out more about them, I asked, "Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?"
Now I know they're probably like 'ew no girl what are you doing we were talking about Gucci like no' but I can't sit there and blatantly say that I know about fashion when I really don't. Hahahah yeah...but they don't need to know what do they?
"Um sure..." Brianna said, obviously unsure of where I was going with this.
"Oh yeah truth or dare sounds really fun!" Violet screamed, clapping her hands enthusiastically.
Where does she get all this energy from? Probably from all those protein shakes she drinks. But she agreed so that's fine with me.
"I'll go first." Violet starts, "so Kiara, you're the new one in this group so I think this is a great way to get to know each other. So..truth or dare?"
Since she wanted to get to know something about me, I chose truth.
"Um..." Violet said, trying to think of a good question.
"Do you use fake tan?"
Wow I thought she was trying to get to know me..?
"No I don't, my skin is naturally this colour."
Oh come on, can't you think of more adventurous questions than ones about fake tan?

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