☾Steve Randle☽

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You would always hideout at the Curtis home when your dad would hit you, but now that Soda's broken up with you, you don't think your welcome at night. So now you face your father whenever he's in one one of his moods and gets beaten. 
One day your makeup rubs off, and all your new beatings are revealed to the gang.

Y/n P.O.V

'I'm breaking up with you.'

Those words flashed through my mind slowly. Repeadiatnly.The happened nearly to months ago and here I am still trying. I halted my steps and looked at the house in front of me. 

The Curtis Residence. 

I sighed and turned back around. I wasn't welcome here anymore. Not at night at least. I'll just go home and face his wrath. I'm used to it anyways, what's one more hit?

It was nearly 2 am as I walked down the sidewalk. I really was Ballsey for doing this. Who knows what could happen if I stayed her out here longer. I could get jumped, by greasers or socs. 

I could die.

Not like anyone would care though. Not even the person who I thought would forever care for me. Not even Soda

As I reached the front door of my house, I breathed in deeply before pushing it open. 

"Where the hell have you been?"


I woke up on the floor. My body ached and I could barely get up. Eventually, I could stand without falling and walk into the bathroom and looked at myself in the crack mirror. I was a mess.

My hair was frizzed everywhere. Dark purple bruises appeared overnight and litter all over my body. I had a cut on my forehead from a bottle being thrown at me and I had a slight limp from a kick to my knee. 

I sighed and got in the shower, letting the hot water relax my stiff body. I washed gently and hissed in pain when I moved a body part in a painful way. 

When I was done I dried my self off softly and made my way to my room to do my make up. 


Steve P.O.V

"Hey, where is Y/n? She's been gone for nearly a week now." I asked as I walked through the door and into the kitchen. Everyone just shrugged and Soda was silent. Suspicious, I called him. 

"Soda? Do you know where she is?" He looked at me startled and nervously shook his head. What was the hell wrong with him? We all turned around when we heard the door creak open slowly. 

I looked to see Y/n walk in. I shot up fast and gave her a hug. She yelped and I back away fast.

"Sorry! Did I squeeze hard?!" I questioned, holding her gently by the shoulders. She shook her head but I noticed the shine in her eyes. Her eyes-filling she looked away. 

"N-No you just... scared me is all.." I gave her a gentle hug. 



"Y/n, what's that?" I asked as I looked at her cheek. She looked at me confused. 

"Right there." I point at her cheek and poked. She pulled away with a yelp and turned away. By now she had everyone's attention. 

"It's n-nothing." She mutters and turned away from everyone. 

"Bullshit." I grabbed her shin for a spilt-second but she pulled away. I sighed, guess we're doing this the hard way. 

"Dally, get her arms, Two, her legs," I commanded and they acted immediately. I got on top of her wiggling torso. 

"Pony, go get a rag with hot water." He nodded and ran off. 

"What the hell is- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I looked over to see Darry.

"Not now Darry this important!" Pony ran in and handed me the rag. I wiped her cheek to reveal a big bruise. It was purple and blue, it was new. I continued rubbing off the remaining makeup off her face, only to reveal more bruises, old and new, all sizes. 

I let the rag go lower and around her neck. When the makeup there was gone I stopped. She had fingerprint bruised into her skin. The prints were all colors, purple, blue, green, yellow. That only meant... whoever is doing this to her, they're doing it nearly every day. 

"Y/n... whos doing this to you?" I asked in a calm tone. To calm. I was about to burst in fury. Tears ran down the side of Y/ns face. I slowly eased off her and the guys let go. 

"M-My father." She spoke so quietly that we barely heard her.

"Y/n, why didn't you come here? Like you always do?" Darry asked getting on his knees. 

"I-I," she sighed heavily and looked at me. "Ever since Soda and I broke up, I-I, I didn't think I welcome here at...god 3 in the morning. I just, I didn't know where I could go." I grabbed her shoulders. 

"Y/n, you will always have a place to go. If my place, Twos, or hell even with Dally. We will always take you in. You can sleep on the couch here, hell, the lot with Johnny is better than getting beaten and almost killed every night by your father." I said and gave her a hug. I held her as she sobbed on my shoulder. 

"You always have a place to go Y/n." 

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