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''So... What brings you here?'' Jungkook spoke up after a brief moment of silence. Taehyung was still staring down at his hands, he felt annoyed with himself, he shouldn't be this uncomfortable around Jungkook, what happened is history. He's moved on, he's completely forgotten about it, so why was he letting it get to him now.

''I'm not sure to be honest... I guess, I just didn't want to be cooped up in my room anymore.''

''I gotta say, I was pretty shocked when you called my name. Nobody ever comes here anymore, at least not when I'm here.''

''You still come here?''

''Well yeah, mom would kill me if I did this in my room.'' Jungkook replied with a light chuckle. Taehyung finally found the courage to look to his side and meet the boy's eyes.

Oh wow. He thought to himself.

It appeared that the two years the pair spent apart did Jungkook quite well. His cheeks were no longer chubby, his acne cleared up and he was without a doubt growing up into a very attractive seventeen year old. His jaw got more prominent and so did his nose, but it wasn't ugly, it suited him very well. His black hair was falling onto his face messily, the wind had tasseled it around quite a lot but he didn't seem to care about it as for he left it be the way it was.

Taehyung moved his eyes down the boy's body and he could see that he was no longer the scrawny teenager who could barely survive a lap during P.E., on the contrary, Jungkook looked very nicely built. Even though he wasn't sitting up straight Taehyung could see that Jungkook was very broad. He was without a doubt hiding a pair of muscular arms and perhaps even some abs underneath his black hoodie.

Taehyung's eyes reached the boy's lap and he suddenly snapped out of it when he noticed what was in the boy's lap.

''Is that-'' Before he could start panicking, Jungkook placed his palm over his mouth to shush him and smiled sweetly.

''Promise not to tell anyone?'' He begged Taehyung in a sweet voice. He may have changed appearance wise, but he still used the same exact tone as he used to, when it came to avoiding getting into trouble.

''Jungkook, are you doing drugs?'' Taehyung's voice got muffled by Jungkook's palm but it was still clear enough for the other to understand him.

''Just weed, I can't do this at home or mom will smell it and probably kill me. So I come here and smoke every so often.''

''How often do you come here?'' For some reason Jungkook still had his palm over Taehyung's mouth causing his lips to brush against it, leaving a weird tingling sensation on them after he stopped speaking.

''Once or twice a week.'' Jungkook explained, but by the way Taehyung looked at him, with those big brown eyes full of worry and shock, he continued speaking to further explain his situation. ''I promise you I've only ever tried weed, I don't take any other drugs, I'm not addicted or anything like that.''

''Where do you even get that?'' Taehyung asked, not once wondering why Jungkook still had his palm against his lips.

''A friend of mine grows it at home. Tae, don't look at me like that, this just for relaxing, I'm not some kind of dealer or drug addict.''

''I never said you were...'' Taehyung tried to cover up his expression, which Jungkook seemed to be able to read all too well.

''Then why are you looking at me like that?'' He questioned, finally deciding to remove his hand and get back to rolling up the blunt.

''I was just... Surprised... I never saw you as the type to do drugs.'' Taehyung explained as he studied every move that Jungkook made. From the way his fingers moved skillfully, indicating that he has done this quite a few times already, to the way that he stuck his tongue out to lick the thin paper to hold the stick in place.

''Well...'' Jungkook trailed off as he looked upfrom the cannabis stick in his hands and sent the other a sad smile. ''It'sbeen a while since we've spoken... I guess I changed during that time.''    

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