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''I wanna jump!'' Jungkook shouted as he kicked his legs up, trying to make the swing go as high as possible.

The blunt had been used up and put out long ago, the high had started as well and now the pair were just swinging up and down, laughter escaping their lips and stupid ideas were forming in their heads.

''Jungkook don't!'' Taehyung protested, although he really wanted to see if the boy would land successfully or end up breaking an arm or leg.

''Do it with me, like we used to!'' Jungkook encouraged, you could tell just by his tone of voice that he was in a really good mood. The type of mood that usually led to somebody getting hurt because of a stupid idea he had come up with.

''Fuck no!'' Taehyung protested. ''You broke my arm once I ain't doing this shit again.''

''Only once though. That's nothing.'' Jungkook continued to try to persuade the other.

The pair were swinging so aggressively that the entire swing set was starting to rock as well. If they didn't jump down from it soon then they would most likely be forced to stop due to one of the chains breaking.

''Are you scared?'' Jungkook teased.

''Fuck you.'' Taehyung spat back with an annoyed sigh escaping his lips, he knew there was no getting out of things like this; Jungkook always had a way to convince you to do something. If sweet talk and a lovely smile didn't work then he went straight to annoying you until you agreed.

''Awh, you're scared. How cute.''

''I'm not scared, but I'm not stupid either.''

''Then that makes you boring.''

''If boring means none of my bones get broken then call me boring.''

''Taee~ C'moonn~'' Jungkook continued to press.

''Fine, let's do it on three.''

''Yaay~!'' Jungkook cheered like a little kid, happy that his tactics still worked. ''You ready?''

''Yeah.'' Taehyung agreed.

''One...'' Jungkook started counting down. ''Two...'' He waited for the perfect moment. ''Three!'' He shouted as the pair swung the highest. He let go of the swing and a few seconds later he landed on his knees with laughter escaping his lips. Taehyung on the other hand let go of the swing a second too late leaving to him crashing onto the grass with a loud groan escaping his lips. ''Shit, Tae are you okay!?'' Jungkook questioned as he crawled over to the boy.

''Ouch.'' The other replied as a giggle escaped his lips.

''Oh shit you scared me.'' Jungkook let out a sigh of relief when he realized Taehyung was fine.

''I'm good.'' Taehyung assured as he let another giggle escape his lips.

''Thank God, I'm really not in the mood to go to a hospital right now.''

''Do you think the doctors would notice we're stoned?'' Taehyung questioned as he looked up at the gray sky.

''Probably.'' Jungkook nodded his head.

''Your mom would be so pissed.''

''Got that right.'' Jungkook agreed as he looked down at the boy. Taehyung was lying on the grass a smile plastered over his lips as he looked up at the dark sky. ''And she wouldn't even need to worry about what would happen to my body when she'd kill me. The doctors would just carry me down to the morgue.''

''Shit, you're right...'' Taehyung realized causing the pair to laugh again.

''You sure you don't feel any kind of pain or something sticking out where it wasn't supposed to?'' Jungkook asked, just to be sure. Taehyung raised up his hands to check if there was any bone sticking out or anything, but the boy was perfectly fine. Covered in mud, but perfectly fine.


''Okay good.'' Jungkook nodded his head.

''Why are you sitting? Come lie down.'' Taehyung invited as he patted the spot next to him.

''It's wet.'' Jungkook spoke back.

''So what.'' Taehyung giggled.

''Fine.'' Jungkook murmured then laid down next to the boy. He looked up at the dark sky and sighed. ''You think there will be a storm?''

''I hope not.''

''Still hate storms?''

''I don't hate storms... Just the lighting and the thunder.''

''I thought you got over that fear?''

''I lied.'' Taehyung admitted. ''I fucking hate thunder.''

''Well, I'm sure you won't have to listen to it tonight.'' 

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