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''I am so sorry I never showed up last night.'' Jungkook instantly apologized. ''Mom found my stash, we got into this huge fight, she threw all of my shit away then took my phone and computer and locked me into my room so I had no way of explaining what happened or telling you to go home.''

''Did she hit you?'' Taehyung asked, just now noticing a mark on the boy's cheek.

''Just a slap.'' Jungkook explained. ''I'm so sorry. How long did you wait for me?''

''For over an hour.''

''Shit... I'm sorry, Tae.''

''Is that it? Can I go now?'' Taehyung asked. His voice was cold, he sounded mad, Jungkook wasn't expecting him to be this way after he apologized and cleared everything up.

''Wait...'' Jungkook stopped him by placing his hand on his forearm. ''Are you mad at me?''

''Jungkook, I don't think we should hang out anymore. Last night I realized just how much you hurt me in the past. And you were right, I should hate you.'' Taehyung spoke, he tried to leave again but Jungkook didn't allow him to. He gripped onto his forearm again.

''Please don't say that...'' He begged the other.

''Why not? You deserve it.''

''I know I do... But please Tae. Don't leave me, please. I-I wasn't ready back then. I was too scared about others would think, I was too scared about people bullying us, I was too scared about how my parents would react if they knew I was gay. I didn't realize how much you mean to me back then, I'm so sorry for being such an idiot. But Tae, I've changed since then. I'm not scared about what others would think, I'm ready to be with you.''

''What if I don't want to give you a second chance?''

''Taehyung please... I know it took me a while to realize it but you're the one I need. I know you still have feelings for me, Tae.''

''Even if I do. That doesn't mean I should be with you. How do I know you won't do the same thing to me again after a few months? How do I knew you'll stay true to what you said. Jungkook I can't go through this shit with you if you're going to be a dick to me again and just leave me behind.''

''Dick's a bit too harsh... Couldn't you at least use idiot?'' Jungkook tried to lighten to the mood with a joke and it seemed to have worked since Taehyung's lips curved up for a moment before he glared at him again.

''Fuck you, Jungkook.'' Taehyung spat, not really meaning it. A wide grin found its way to Jungkook's lips, leaving Taehyung confused as to why he was suddenly smiling.

''I love you too, Taehyung.'' He replied causing Taehyung's jaw to drop to the ground.

''Wh-what?'' He managed to stutter out after a brief moment of silence.

''Fuck is another way to say love. You said 'fuck you, Jungkook'. So, I love you too, Taehyung.'' Jungkook explained; his grin even wider than before.

Taehyung didn't say anything in reply. Instead, he pulled Jungkook into a kiss.

Jungkook instantly kissed him back and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Taehyung's arms wrapped around Jungkook's neck. He pressed his body against the other's and kissed him deeply and passionately. Jungkook's hands slid underneath his shirt and ran up his back, setting his skin on fire.

''I love you.'' Taehyung half whispered, half moaned as the pair pulled away. ''I fucking love you.''

''You loving love me?'' Jungkook teased as he pecked Taehyung's lips again. The pair couldn't help but giggle as they looked into each other's eyes. Suddenly, all the bad feelings and glares were forgotten about and replaced with wide grins and giggles.

''I loving love you... So much.'' Taehyung confirmed with a nod.

''I loving love you more.'' Jungkook said back.

''Then don't fuck it up this time, idiot.''

''I promise I won't love it up this time.'' Jungkook promised making the other giggle again. ''God I love you.'' Jungkook murmured before he pulled the boy into another kiss.

Taehyung couldn't help but grin as he kissed the boy back. Jungkook pulled him even closer, pressing their bodies together and kissed him deeply trying to show him just how much he loved him with his kiss.

Taehyung agreed to give him a second chance, and there was no way he intended to love anything up this time. 

started 1.6

ended 9.6.

i usually have like some finishing words or something...

not this time tho...

thats it...


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