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Know the weird feeling, when you learn a new word and suddenly it starts to appear everywhere.

Taehyung was starting to experience the same thing, except he wasn't seeing or hearing a word. He was seeing a boy.

Everywhere he looked, he saw Jungkook. Whether he was walking down the hallway to get to class, standing by his locker or going to the bathroom. The boy was suddenly everywhere, as if he was following the other around.

Taehyung wasn't sure if it was because he was finally letting himself think about Jungkook again and therefore his brain automatically scanned the room in an attempt to spot him out or if the boy really was following him, but either way he wasn't fond of the idea of seeing him so often.

He managed to get through two years of high school without speaking to him or noticing his presence once, so why did he suddenly have to do that now.

The cellphone that was lying on his stomach dinged, snapping him out of his thoughts and signaling him that he got a notification. He took the device into his hands and unlocked it to see a snap from a user name he didn't even know he had added as a friend.


How you feelin junkie?





Its the dog shit😂

A small chuckle escaped Taehyung's lips as he read the boy's reply.


When did I add u?


After I walked you home last night you refused to go inside until I gave you my phone number my snap ect ect...



You walked me home??


Really tae?

Yeah you asked me to walk you home last night

You kept saying you were scared of getting lost


I am so sorry you had to do that



Rather see you got home safely then to leave you wondering around alone and high off ur ass


Was I that bad??



You behaved pretty well

But I didnt wanna leave you

You never know what can happen...


Thank you jungkook


Anytime bub



Taehyung felt a small sting in his chest as he read the name Jungkook accidentally typed. It was most obviously a typo, but he still didn't like the feeling he got in his stomach when he first read the message Jungkook had sent, accidentally, of course. He bit into his lip and forced his fingers to type a reply.


Its fine

Imma go now

I need to make lunch

Ill talk to you later





Bye bye

A soft sigh escaped Jungkook's lips as he threw the phone back onto the couch.

''So no head?'' A voice teased causing Jungkook to flash him his middle finger and smile sarcastically.

''I was just checking up on him, he looked rough today.''

''Checking up on who?'' Another voice asked as two more boys walked into the living room, one holding his drink the other holding a plate.

''No one.'' Jungkook replied.

''No one my ass, you practically stalked him all day long.''

''I told you, he looked rough, so I was worried.''

''And why is it that you think he looked rough?''

''Who looked rough?'' The third boy spoke up as well as he sat down next to him.

''Namjoon make them stop, I don't wanna talk about this.'' Jungkook whined not in the mood to be teased or questioned by the older three boys.

''Alright, Hoseok knock it off, and Jin can you go get my phone I left it in the kitchen.'' The said boys did as told while Namjoon sat down next to Jungkook and ruffled his hair to tease him. ''Did you really stalk him all day long?'' He whispered into the younger's ear earning a glare in response. ''Alright, alright I won't ask.''

A few moments later Jin came back into the living room and sat back down on Jungkook's right. No one bothered Jungkook afterword and instead they all just focused on the movie which was about to start.

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