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About an hour and a bottle of white wine later, the pair of boys were lying in Jungkook's bedroom. One was on the floor, hugging a beanbag chair, while the other was sitting in the chair by the desk spinning around in circles.

''Gukkiee~'' Taehyung whined. ''This is different from being high.''

''No shit.'' Jungkook laughed, he kept on spinning around in circles, trying to see how long it took him to get sick.

''Stop spinning, it's making me dizzy just looking at it.'' Taehyung complained.

Obeying the other's wishes, Jungkook placed his feet back onto the ground making the chair stop spinning. He tried to stand up from it and walk over to Taehyung but his feet weren't able to process any kinds of orders from his brain yet, causing him to fall to the ground right in front of Taehyung.

Loud laughter escaped the pair's lips as they both realized what had just happened.

''Wh-what was that?'' Taehyung laughed as he watched the other roll around on the ground as he laughed his ass off.

''I tried to...'' Jungkook couldn't even finish his sentence, he found this situation too funny to even breathe but then again so did Taehyung.

The pair were both lying on the ground wheezing for air as they stared at one another and laughed.

''I can't breathe!'' Taehyung cried out as he finally forced himself to take in a deep breath. It took a few more minutes for the pair to finally calm down. Once they did silence settled in the room, but unlike before this time it was comfortable silence.

''Did you know some old philosopher or whatever he was died laughing at his own joke?'' Jungkook spoke up as he looked at the other again.

''Wow... me.'' Taehyung chuckled.

''I haven't laughed this hard for a long time already.'' Jungkook admitted with another chuckle.

''Same here, my stomach actually hurts.'' Taehyung agreed. It was just now, when the room fell silent again, that Taehyung realized just how close he and Jungkook were lying.

The pair were both lying on their sides, looking at one another, with their faces only inches apart. He didn't remember when exactly the pair managed to get so close and he was getting nervous.

''Tae...'' Jungkook spoke up; he seemed to have started becoming aware of the little space that was between the pair as well. ''Did you ever hate me?''

''No.'' Taehyung replied instantly.

''You should have... You should be hating me right now as well.'' Jungkook continued.

''Don't you think I've tried?'' Taehyung didn't wait for Jungkook to reply but rather continued speaking straight away. ''I wanted to hate you... For so long I wanted to hate you, but I can't. I got into a fight with my friends earlier because they found out we're talking again. They tried to talk some sense into me and tell me what I'm doing is wrong. Yet here I am, lying on your bedroom floor with you, drunk off my ass admitting just how much you still mean to me.''

''You fought with your friends because of me?''

''Kind of...''

''They're right you know... We shouldn't be talking, or getting high together, or doing whatever this is.''

''Then why are we here?''

''Because we're stupid.''

''I like how you didn't want to offend me and decided to go with we instead of you.'' Taehyung tried to hide the fact that he was uncomfortable by making a joke.

''No, we're both stupid... Your stupid because you didn't tell me to fuck of while you still had the chance, and I'm stupid because I'm going to do this and fuck everything up.''

''What do you mean?''

Jungkook answered Taehyung's question by cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.

Taehyung didn't even bother trying to process what was going on, he just kissed back and let Jungkook's stupidity do what it was supposed to. Fuck everything up. Oh how big of a mistake did he just make, Taehyung's brain was screaming for him to stop, to pull away and leave. But no, Taehyung didn't listen. Jungkook rolled on top of him and deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue into Taehyung's mouth.

Neither of the pair were very skilled or had much of a clue what to do. Partly because they were drunk and partly because the only person they had ever kissed was each other. But still, that didn't stop them or slow them down one bit.

Taehyung wrapped his legs around the other, he knew what they were doing was wrong, he knew the consequences that would come tomorrow, but it just felt so good. The weight of Jungkook's body lightly pressing on him, Jungkook's lips moving so perfectly against his own, Jungkook's tongue massaging his own, Jungkook's hands sliding underneath his shirt, fuck this was not going to end well.

''Jungkook... Stop...''

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