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The day just seemed to drag on forever.

After what felt like years to Taehyung, he, Yuqi and Yoongi made their way through the cafeteria to get to the line for food.

''Did you know that Mr. Song got divorced.'' Yoongi spoke up, feeling the need to say something so that the atmosphere around them wasn't so quiet and gloomy.

''Mr. Song, the biology teacher?'' Yuqi asked with a raised eyebrow.

''Yeah, he wasted the entire lesson today, talking about safe sex and how even if you get the girl pregnant it shouldn't mean you should marry her because sometimes, and I quote ''she can turn out to be a lying and cheating floozy Suzy''.''

''What's floozy?'' Taehyung asked.

''A nice way to call a hooker.'' Yoongi explained making the younger let out an 'oh' sound.

''Poor man...'' Yuqi sighed.

''Yeah, I feel bad for laughing at his attempt to curse.'' Yoongi admitted.

''Was he sad?'' Yuqi asked.

''He kind of always looks sad so I couldn't tell.''

''I feel bad for him.'' Yuqi pouted as she followed Taehyung to the line for food.

The said boy didn't pay much attention to the conversation the pair behind him were currently having, all he really cared about at the moment was food. He spent too much time lying in bed in the morning and ran out of time to eat breakfast, which meant he was starving.

He took his plate and paid the lunch lady then walked away, almost in a rush to sit down and eat. He wasn't looking where he was going and ended up bumping his tray into somebody making it almost fall from his hands and onto the ground.

''S-sorry.'' He quickly apologized as he watched the boy turn around to face him.

''You again.'' A familiar voice spoke with a chuckle. ''Two days in a row, are you stalking me, Tae?''

''Jungkook...'' This was too much of coincidence, Taehyung thought to himself as he stared at the boy in front of him.

''You okay?'' The said boy asked with a small smile on his lips.

''Y-yeah, just wasn't looking where I was going, sorry.''

''It's okay, just be more careful.'' Jungkook replied as he patted his shoulder then walked away. Taehyung's eyes were glued to his back as he watched Jungkook disappear into the crowd. How did he manage to bump into him, out of the hundreds of students at this school, why him.

The memories of last night were coming back to him and he couldn't help but blush as he thought it over. He no longer felt his stomach twist and growl in hunger; the feeling was replaced with a sense of nausea. The nervous kind, the type you would get when you visited a dentist, or when you were about to take a test you didn't study for well enough.

Nothing really happened besides talking, but Taehyung still felt embarrassed, ashamed almost, maybe even a bit scared and paranoid about somebody finding out he had gotten high for the first time ever last night. And the fact that it had been with Jungkook at their playground made him feel all that worse.

''Was that Jungkook?'' Yuqi's voice suddenly filled his ears, snapping him out of his thoughts.

''Yeah...'' Taehyung confirmed, trying his best to swallow down the lump that was starting to form in his throat.

''What the hell did he want?'' Yoongi asked, his tone of voice sounding rather annoyed.

''Nothing... I bumped into him accidentally.''

''Should've bumped harder so that your lunch would've spilled onto him.'' Yuqi murmured to herself.

''You okay?'' Taehyung felt a hand place itself on his shoulder and squeeze it lightly. He knew it belonged to Yoongi so he just nodded and let it guide him to an empty table to sit.

''How long has it been since you've last talked to him?'' Yuqi asked.

A few hours, Taehyung wanted to say back.

''Around two years.'' He decided it was best he didn't tell his friends about what he had done last night, knowing how Yoongi and Yuqi got when it came to Jungkook.

''Well, I guess today really isn't a good day.'' Yuqi attempted to joke to lighten the mood. ''Yoongi over-slept, Mr. Song got divorced and you had to see him.''

''Yeah.'' Taehyung forced a chuckle to escape his lips. ''Guess it really isn't a good day.''

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