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It had been an hour since Taehyung arrived to the playground and Jungkook was still not here. Taehyung had sent him multiple messages but Jungkook didn't reply to any of them.

The boy placed his hands back into the pockets of his coat as he tried his best not to shiver. He kept telling himself he would only wait five more minutes then he would leave but that has been going on for a whole hour already.

Taehyung didn't want to leave, he kept hoping Jungkook would suddenly show up or call and explain why he's not coming, but that wasn't going to happen. He knew that, but he didn't want to believe it; he refused to admit Jungkook did it to him again.

A tear ran down his cheek as a memory started playing in his head.

''What took you so long? I was getting worried.'' A fourteen year-old Taehyung spoke as Jungkook finally made his way to the playground. Taehyung stood up from the swing and rushed over to the other and pulled him into a hug.

Jungkook didn't hug him back, he just stood there and waited for Taehyung to let go of him.

''Gukkie, are you okay?'' Taehyung asked, noticing something was off.

Jungkook's face was blank, free of any kind of emotion as he stared into Taehyung's eyes.

''I don't wanna do this anymore.''

All it took was those six words for Taehyung's heart to break into tiny little pieces.

''Wh-what do you mean, Guk?''

''I mean I don't want to be boyfriends anymore. And don't call me that anymore, you know I hate it when I get teased because of your nickname.''

''You're breaking up with me?'' Tears started building up in Taehyung's eyes as he bit into his lip to hold back his whimper. ''Why?''

''Because Tae, it's wrong. Everyone thinks so.''

''I don't...''

''Well I'm fucking tired of always getting bullied. We could've just stayed the way we were, but you had to fuck everything up and kiss me.''

''I'm sorry...'' Taehyung apologized as a tear escaped his eye. ''I didn't mean to ruin our friendship... I-I just thought you liked me like that as well.''

''I'm sorry, Tae... But I don't think it's good for either of us to be around each other anymore.'' Jungkook spoke with a sad smile on his lips.

Taehyung couldn't believe how easily Jungkook was telling him this.

His best friend since birth, his first crush, his first kiss, his boyfriend. Correction, ex-boyfriend. It was as if none of this meant anything to Jungkook. It was like he didn't care about Taehyung. The pair has been inseparable since birth, was Jungkook really going to just throw it all away now.

''Wh-what happens now?'' Taehyung whispered, no longer able to speak in a normal volume due to how badly his voice was cracking.

''Let's just keep our distance, okay?''

''Sure...'' Taehyung nodded his head; he couldn't look at Jungkook anymore tears started falling from his eyes, and for the first time ever, Jungkook didn't wipe them away.

''I have to go home now. I'll see you around.'' Jungkook spoke as he slowly started walking away. Taehyung was staring at the ground tears rolling down his cheeks as Jungkook walked away.

It was over? Just like that? Fourteen years of friendship were over?

Why did he have to be so stupid? Why did he have to kiss him that one time they were lying on the bed and talking. If only he had held back that night Jungkook wouldn't have kissed him back, they wouldn't have decided to start dating. They wouldn't have been bullied by their classmates for holding hands in school and they would still be best friends.

This was all his fault.

Taehyung rang the doorbell twice, his tears were starting to dry up on his cheeks. He shivered in front of the door as he waited for somebody to come and open the door.

After a minute or so the door finally opened up, revealing a confused boy.

''Tae... What are you doing here?''

''H-hi...'' Taehyung greeted as he forced a smile onto his lips.

''Are you okay?'' The boy asked, instantly noticing his tears. ''What happened?''

''You were-''

''Everything alright?'' Another person popped their head through the door accidentally cutting Taehyung off.

''Who's this?'' Taehyung asked as he inspected the boy.

''Jimin this is my friend Taehyung, Taehyung this is Jimin.... My boyfriend.'' Yoongi introduced the pair.

''Nice to meet you Taehyung.'' Jimin spoke with a bright smile plastered over his lips. ''Is everything okay? Do you want to talk to Yoongi? I can leave if you need your friend.''

''No, no.'' Taehyung quickly shook his head. ''It was wrong of me to just show up like this. You two get back to whatever you were doing, I shouldn't have come here.'' Taehyung spoke as he started walking away from the house.

''Tae...'' Yoongi called out after his friend.

''We'll talk tomorrow.'' Taehyung assured. ''Go back inside and enjoy your date.'' Taehyung forced another smile to appear on his lips. Yoongi didn't look one bit convinced but Taehyung didn't listen to him any further. He started rushing away.

''He's not okay.'' Jimin spoke as he placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

''I know...'' Yoongi sighed.

''Go after him, it's okay... I'll wait here.'' Jimin assured as he pressed a quick kiss to Yoongi's cheek then pushed him out of the house. ''Go, he needs you.'' Yoongi obeyed his boyfriend and ran after Taehyung as fast as he could.

''Taehyung!'' He called out for him as he finally caught up.

The said boy stopped in his tracks but didn't want to turn around. Yoongi grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to turn around and face him. A frown found its way to Yoongi's lips as he saw his friend's face.

''He did it again.'' Taehyung whimpered as he lunged himself at Yoongi. The older quickly wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him tightly as Taehyung began crying again. 

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