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''Wanna try it?'' Jungkook blurted out the question, causing Taehyung's eyes to go wide once more.


''I asked if you wanted to try it.'' Jungkook repeated himself as he lifted up the blunt.


''No, the dog shit behind you.'' Jungkook joked. ''Yes you, Tae.''

''I-I don't know about this Jungkook...''

''Are you scared?''

''Yes.'' Taehyung had no trouble admitting that, it was completely normal to be scared of drugs, well at least it was in his opinion.

''You do know the worst that can happen is that you have a bad trip...''

''What's that?''

''I'm not going to tell you, you'll just be scared.''

''I'm already scared.''

''Then there's no point in scaring you even more.'' Jungkook replied. Since Taehyung didn't speak any further or express any kind of wish that he wanted to try it, he took it as a declined offer. ''I'll just smoke it alone then.''

''Right now?''

''You don't mind, do you?''

''I guess not.'' Taehyung lied. He did mind, not because he was strongly against drugs or anything like that. But simply because it was Jungkook, the last time he spoke to the boy was in 9th grade, back then the pair didn't even dare breathe in around a smoker, yet now he was about to witness Jungkook getting high right in front of him.

The other boy placed the stick between his lips then pulled a lighter free from a pocket of his sweatpants and brought it up to his face. He lit up the end of the stick and took in a drag, causing the end to light up.

Taehyung watched him hold in the smoke then slowly blow it out, a blissful expression plastered over his face. He tried to pretend that the smoke didn't irritate his throat so he bit into his lip and held back his cough.

''When did you first try it?'' He asked after Jungkook took a few more drags.

''About... A year ago, I think.'' Jungkook thought for a second. ''I haven't been coming here for that long already, if that's what you think.''

''I haven't been here in almost three years already...'' Taehyung trailed off.

''You never came back?'' Jungkook questioned, refusing to meet the other's eyes at the moment, knowing that if he did, his heart would start to ache again.

''Nope.'' Taehyung replied with the shake of the head. ''I still don't know why I came here today.''

''Maybe it was faith.'' The other blurted out, catching them both off guard.

''Faith?'' Taehyung questioned him with a raised eyebrow, trying his best not to look too shocked.

''Yeah... Maybe it was faith for you to get high with me today.'' Jungkook joked to hide the fact that he was uncomfortable. ''You really won't try it?'' He asked again as he moved the lit up stick closer to Taehyung, waving it in front of him as if it was some sort of bait.

Taehyung's eyes followed the lit up end, he bit into his lips nervously as he tried to decide if this was a safe idea.

''You know... One puff won't do much, even if it's your first time.'' Jungkook continued to try to persuade Taehyung for a reason he wasn't completely sure of.

''You promise nothing bad will happen if I just try one puff?'' Taehyung asked and with that, Jungkook knew he had convinced him.

''I promise.'' Jungkook assured as he moved the stick towards Taehyung's lips and held it out for him. Taehyung sent him an unsure glance but wrapped his lips around the stick anyway. He took a drag but coughed it out not even a second later causing a small chuckle to escape Jungkook's lips as he patted Taehyung's back to help him calm down.

''What the hell?''

''Sorry, I forgot to tell you how to smoke correctly.''     

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