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Over a month had passed since Taehyung started to meet up with Jungkook again.

He was currently sitting at his desk in his classroom. The bell had just rang, dismissing him from his last class of the day. With one hand, he was slowly packing away his books while he typed a reply with the other.


Im in a mood

A weedy mood

The type of mood

That makes me want to do

Weed things...


so youre feelin weedy

u sure u didnt mean needy😏


Is there even a difference???


Not when it comes to you

You a needy weedy hoe


Then what does that make you?



''Tae.'' A voice called out for the said boy making him look up from his phone to see Yuqi and Yoongi waiting at him by the door.


Imma have to get back to you on that one


You free tonight?

Moms out of town so we can go back to mine


How very NEEDY of you may I say😂


Excuse a guy for not wanting to freeze his ass off

Its almost november tae

I dont feel like freezing all night long


Idk yet gguk

Ill have to see



Text me later then💜

''Yeah, sorry.'' Taehyung apologized to his friends as he packed his things away and rushed over to them.

''What is on that phone of yours that makes you forget about us?'' Yuqi asked her tone of voice indicating she wasn't exactly happy about Taehyung acting this way.

In the past month Yoongi and Yuqi have noticed a change in their friend's behavior.

Taehyung was no longer as cheery and talkative as he usually was. He spent most of the day looking into that phone of his and smiling and laughing at whoever it was he was talking to. The pair had asked him several times if he was seeing anybody, but Taehyung would always deny it then go right back to smiling at his screen.

At first the pair let him be, not minding all that much as long as Taehyung paid at least some attention to them throughout the day. But now, this was getting out of hand. Not only did Taehyung only ever stare down at his screen, but whenever they would ask if he wanted to hang out, Taehyung would decline the offer, saying something along the lines of not being able to come along because he didn't have time.

''I was just telling mom I won't go home straight after school.'' Taehyung lied with a fake smile plastering over his lips. ''So, whose house are we going to?''

''Mine, I guess.'' Yoongi suggested as he raised his hand slightly. He exchanged a quick glance with Yuqi; the pair seemed to have some kind of silent agreement as for only Taehyung didn't know what was going on.

''Can we stop somewhere to eat first?'' The oblivious boy spoke as he and his two friends made their way down the hallway to leave the school.

''Sure.'' Yoongi replied.

In the meanwhile, Jungkook and Hoseok were making their way down the parking lot to get to Hoseok's car. ''Oh no...'' Hoseok groaned as he noticed Jungkook's smile.

''What?'' The younger asked as he looked up from his phone.

''You're talking to him again aren't you?''

''How did you know?''

''You have that stupid smile on your face.'' Hoseok explained making the stupid smile on Jungkook's face get even wider.

''What smile?'' Jungook pretended to not know what Hoseok meant by that.

''Don't you dare act dumb with me.'' Hoseok warned him. ''Are you guys meeting up tonight?''

''Not sure yet.''

''Need anything? Some weed, snacks, perhaps a condom?'' Hoseok teased then quickly ducked so that Jungkook's hand missed his head.

''Stop it.'' Jungkook whined.

''If you finally tell me what the hell is going between you two?''

''Nothing?'' Jungkook spoke in a tone, which sounded like he was also trying to convince himself.

''Nothing?'' Hoseok questioned.

''Yeah... Nothing, we're just...'' Jungkook was about to call Taehyung a friend but stopped himself from doing so.

Taehyung wasn't his friend. The pair may have spoken all day long through texts but they wouldn't even look at each other in public. The only time they spoke face to face was when they were hiding away at the old playground, getting high.

''We get high together some times.'' Jungkook finished his sentence.

''He smokes? Didn't see him as the type to do drugs.''

''You said the same thing about me when we first met.'' Jungkook joked making the older roll his eyes at him.

''Okay, but I'm the reason you smoke weed.''

''No difference with me and Tae.''

''So you guys only hang out when you wanna get high?''

''Pretty much.''

''Nothing else?''

''No Hobi.'' Jungkook replied with a soft sigh. ''Nothing else...''

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