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''Finally! I was beginning to think you stood me up.'' Jungkook greeted in his own special way as he noticed Taehyung. ''Did you get lost?''

''Kind of.'' Taehyung admitted as he made his way over to the swings and sat down next to Jungkook.

''How are you?'' The other asked, he didn't look up from his lap where he was currently rolling up his blunt, but Taehyung could tell he was still listening to him.

''Okay, I guess. What about you?''

''Stressed.'' Jungkook admitted with a sad grin.


''Mom called me before you got here...'' Jungkook trailed off. ''Let's just say I won't be coming home for a while.''

''You two still fight like you used to?''

''Yeah... I think she just keeps on getting worse and worse. Dad won't do anything about it, he just says to bite my tongue and let her yell at me until she calms down.''

''Let me guess, you don't do that.'' Taehyung spoke, knowing Jungkook wasn't the best at holding back when it came to arguing with his mother.

''It works for about three minutes, but if she doesn't stop yelling by then... Well you know what happens, you've heard us fight before.''

''I'll never forget the first time I heard you yell.'' Taehyung spoke making Jungkook chuckle at the memory.

''You were so scared of me when I walked back into the room.'' Jungkook added as the pair both replayed the event in their heads.

''You wouldn't be if I left the room to talk to my mom and suddenly there was shouting going on.''

''We weren't that bad...'' Jungkook tried to defend himself and his mother.

''The whole street probably heard you two.''

''Well, we do sometimes get weird stares from the neighbors.'' Jungkook joked.

''I'm surprised no one ever calls the police.''

''You and me both.'' Jungkook chuckled. He brought the blunt up to his lips and sealed the paper in place with his saliva.

Taehyung couldn't help but watch the boy's tongue slide down the stick. For some reason, he found the act to be too sexual for his own good, causing him to look away when the pair made eye contact.

''So...'' Jungkook trailed off, Taehyung heard the spark of the lighter and a few moments later a cloud of smoke appeared in front of his eyes, indicating that Jungkook had lit up the cannabis stick and took a drag from it. ''What have you been up to?'' Jungkook continued his sentence as he offered the blunt over to Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at the stick for a bit before he took it from his hand and placed it between his lips.

''Not much...'' Taehyung replied as he let out a cloud of smoke. ''To be honest, bumping into you has been the most interesting thing to happen to me in the last few months.''

''Really?'' Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow. ''Running into me is interesting.''

''Well, it's not something that happens every day, plus the entire thing was something I never expected would happen, so yes it was interesting.''

''That's not what I meant.''

''Then what did you mean?''

''I just figured you'd call bumping into me something else, perhaps awkward, maybe even annoying.''

''Why?'' Taehyung asked as he took another drag then passed the blunt back over to Jungkook, he knew the answer, but he still wanted to hear what Jungkook would say.

''Well...'' Jungkook cut himself off by taking a drag. ''I doubt running into me is something you wish to do often.'' He explained as he breathed the smoke out from his nose making him look like an angry bull from a cartoon.

''I don't hate you, you know.'' The words caught Jungkook off guard and made the smoke get stuck in his throat.

''You don't?'' He questioned as he tried his best not to cough.

''I'm not exactly fond of you. But I don't hate you either.''

''Then what am I to you?'' 

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